20M double; 1K rep session & steady run
8.5M am incl 8x1K at 3.13-3.20min/K off 90s (2 sets of 4 separated by 4m)
11.5M pm steady run at ~6.15min/M effort
We were back at the same Army track we ran on a couple of weeks ago - a slightly uneven, but not too shabby mud/cinder affair. Mike and I ran it pretty well pace-wise and I finished half dead, but with one of my quicker reps (3.14). It was good to have a smooth enough track to stretch my legs on.
We reckon that the altitude correction might be 15s/K. Factor in the surface and my clumpy Adrenaline trainers and I'm sure that this was my best K rep session and perhaps one of my best track sessions ever.
The day was improved further by a chance encounter with Mohammed Aman and Gebre Gebremariam - two more Ethiopian world champions - while we were at the Ethiopian Athletics Federation trying to wangle access for Mike to the National Stadium for the rest of his trip.
I retained more composure than on yesterday's meeting Haile. Although I couldn't help but be left open-mouthed by Gebremariam's shameless flaunting of his flirtation skills with the assorted female athletes on show. I'll spare you the details. But it was painful.
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