23M double; crescendo long run & recovery run
18M am long run at 5.53min/M at 2700-3000m with hills (crescendo)
5M pm recovery run at 7.20min/M at 2700m
I was a bit miffed when I pitched up at the track today to be told that my planned 25 miler had been revised to an 18 miler. Coach Sentayehu was insistent despite my firm pleas for something longer. I'll have to engineer the longer one I want to nail while I'm out here once I'm down in Addis. It may be better - I'll be better acclimatised and at lower altitude.
Instead, we ran a pretty brisk 18 miles.
After 15 minutes building our pace (to about 6.00min/M pace) around the infield of the track in our warm up, Ibrahim and I headed out to the roads heading South from Bekoji.
It was an out and back route with Ibrahim setting the pace. He can run 63min for a half marathon at altitude and used to train with Bekele when he was younger, so pacing me poses no great difficulties.
Coach Sentayehu followed on a motorbike shouting instructions about our pace and style.
It was brisk from the beginning and I was happy just to tuck in on Ibrahim's shoulder. By half way I was pretty tired - partly due to the fact it was up hill on the way out. Our return time was 2 minutes quicker, which meant the outward leg averaged 6 minute miles and our return was 5.45min/M.
I was faster than last week despite an extra 400-700m of altitude, worse hills (1000ft ascent) and more wind. So I'm pretty pleased all in all. I think the altitude correction around here might be nearly 30s/mile (it's 22-25s in Addis). And 18 miles with hills at 5.23min/M equivalent ain't to be sniffed at.
I've forgiven coach now for taking away my 25 miler. Seems churlish to doubt his wisdom. And he's so nice and smiley too.
My legs were burning all day in a pleasing way. Even when I was having my now customary doze. So I went for a gentle spin in the evening with Matt. Nice and gentle. Legs feel better for it.
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