A funeral cortege on the road out of Bekoji
17M double; long rep session & recovery run
10M am long rep session incl 2K-1M-2K-3.6K-2K off 150s jog at 2700m
7M pm recovery run at 8.00-6.30min/M effort at 2300m
Today was my last in Bekoji. And I was served up another tough session. This time at the track.
The additional twist to today's session was that I didn't have a clue what it was, even as I was running. Generally, that meant I hit each of the reps harder than I would have.
Coach Sentayehu told me it was 25 laps of the track with 40s recovery. I figured that meant 25x400m. In reality, there seemed no pattern, and we ran long reps up to a total of 28 laps. They were 2K, 1M, 2K, 3.6K and 2K off 2.5 minutes jog recovery. My pace was all over the place, but my mile for example was 5min20s in a state of confusion, so it was no disaster. And I was very tired at the end.
I travelled down to Addis Ababa again during the day to complete my final week's training here. The journey was relatively speedy and I managed to grab some snooze as we went.
Just some recovery miles in the evening. The air feels more oxygen rich down here at 2300m! Though that could well be my imagination.
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