This blog is mainly to help me and Ron (my fabulous coach) keep track of what is going on in my training. Good days. Bad days. Successes and failures. Aches and pains. That sort of thing. But please come visit once in a while to see how we're getting on!

Thursday, 2 October 2014


15M double; recovery runs x2
8M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run incl 6x100m strides

Two easy ones today. One at lunchtime. One at 8.30pm. The second one had some strides in it. To get those legs working.

I had confirmation of my spot in Frankfurt Marathon on Oct 26th today...

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Another nighttime session

16M double; recovery run & rep session
7M am recovery run
9M pm incl 6x4min hard off 2min jogger

Our current lifestyle means that the best time for me to run my sessions is after 9pm on the (alternate) days I'm not on new baby duty at that time (we split the night into 3 hour segments). It turns out that it's not a bad time for a session... just long enough after dinner that I haven't yet spewed and with the benefit of a whole day's activity to get my legs limbered up.

Today's was a 4min rep session. The same as last week. I ran it mainly along the flat, well lit section of Spaniards Road. I felt like I was recalling moving well.

My morning run was a gentle one around the Heath.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


12M double; recovery run & steady run
7M am recovery run
5M pm steady run

Just some slower miles today around the heath. My legs were still tired from yesterday, but felt great on my evening run (hence it was a steady run).

Monday, 29 September 2014

Back with a bang

12M incl first 11M hard

I have run a couple of days since last Wednesday, when baby 2 was born, but not anything close to my usual. As a result, my legs felt Kimetto-like and (thanks to my chipper mood and Dennis himself), I was of a mind to run myself into the ground.

The result was a pretty good, longish tempo session. Run at gone 9pm. On a stomach full of figs and ricotta.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Friday, 26 September 2014

Just six

6M am recovery run

I had meant to run a bit of the way home today, but had various baby-related things to pick up and didn't want to miss any home time, so just ran once instead.

I'm not sure when I'll have any gaps that fit well with running in the coming days.

Thursday, 25 September 2014


8M double; recovery run & short tempo
5M am recovery run
3M pm hard

We had a baby yesterday! I had clinic this morning (and do again tomorrow), so just ran to and from work. I ran home full pelt.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Good reps

20M double; steady run & rep session
10M am steady run
10M pm incl 6x1.2K off 2min jog

I ran a steady one this morning - fairly swiftly, as my legs were in the mood. On the way home, I ran my best rep session in quite a while. I ran just six reps of 1.2K off a slightly longer recovery (2 minutes). It meant I could really let rip from the beginning. Hopefully, the speed is beginning to come to me now.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Recovery and core work

14M double; recovery runs x2 and core session
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run
Core strength session

Two easy ones to/from work and a 30 minute core session today. My legs are fine after yesterday. I'll run a rep session tomorrow.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Summary of week ending 21/09/2014

TOTAL = 124M

A race!

10M pm incl 6K SEAA Road Relay leg (19m37s - a crap PB)

I raced for the first time in four months today. It was great, if a bit sluggish. My legs didn't feel bad, and I paced it pretty well (I ran a marginal positive split). But, despite it being a 13s PB for me on the course, I wasn't very pleased with the time. Having said that, it came at the end of a HEAVY week and I am sure speed will come in the next few weeks as I start to focus on it a bit more.

Saturday, 20 September 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Just some easy miles around the Heath. My legs were feeling A+ this evening.

Friday, 19 September 2014

One steady run

10M am steady run

Just my (now regular) 10 miler around the top of the Heath to work this morning. No evening run.

Thursday, 18 September 2014


24M double; steady run & medium-long tempo
10M am steady run
14M pm incl 2x6M hard with 10mins recovery between

I ran a weird 'medium-long' run this evening, with two 6 or so mile sections separated by a good period of recovery. It was perhaps better in some ways than my morning tempo runs because my legs were more awake. But it was also a bit disrupted by traffic etc, which is less of a problem early in the day.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

K reps

24M double; K rep session & steady run
14M am incl 8x1K off 90s/200m jog
10M pm steady run

I ran a K rep session around the track this morning. It wasn't my best, but it was early and a conversation recently has made me realise that the combination of my big trainers and the track surface probably make for a weird, boingy running experience... perhaps the reason I don't like running on the track. Anyway, it was a K session, so it got my legs ticking over pretty well. The evening run was the reverse of yesterday's morning run - pretty hilly.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


17M double; steady run & recovery
10M am steady run
7M pm recovery

I just ran to and from work without too many frills today. My morning run was 10 miles around the top of the Heath, so the hills made it steady rather than easy, but it wasn't too hard. My legs were surprisingly ok after yesterday.

Monday, 15 September 2014

A Monday long run

27M double; long run & recovery run
21M am long run incl 5M steady then 7x1M hard off 2-3mins easy
6M pm recovery

I ran a weird but harsh long run this morning. I've run one a bit like this before (last year, just before Hana was born), but this felt harder. I ran the first six or so miles easy, then picked it up to a 6ish minute mile pace for four or five miles before running the second half as mile reps off 2-3 minutes easy running as the recovery. It worked out as a good little session I think. Short enough, that the risk of injury wasn't too high. But long enough that it gave me a proper long run workout.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Summary of week ending 14/09/2014

TOTAL = 104M

Not a long run - put it off til tomorrow

7M pm recovery run

I was going to run an evening long run today, but the day got busy. I'll have to run it in the morning.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Recovery Saturday

14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two easy runs today. Around the Heath.

Friday, 12 September 2014

A good longish tempo run home

22M double; recovery run & medium-long tempo run
7M am recovery run
15M pm incl miles 3-14 hard

I ran my usual longish tempo run in reverse this evening, i.e. running home from work rather than running to work from home. The route took me along the river and then around Hyde Park before heading up through Regent's Park, Primrose Hill and Parliament Hill.

I went hard after two miles of warm up and felt like I found a good, fast, threshold-type pace from early on. I was really dying up the hills towards the end.

Thursday, 11 September 2014


13M double; recovery runs x2
8M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Just some easy running today. My legs are tired after yesterday.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Mile reps

22M double; mile reps & steady run
13M am incl 7x1M off 90s jog
9M pm steady

I ran a pretty sharp-feeling mile rep session in Regent's Park before work this morning. I have been running ten reps recently. I think I benefited from a shorter session. It freed me to go really hard right from the beginning.

My evening run was a steady one to Canary Wharf from work for dinner with Ron and Lesley.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Easy again (plus core work)

13M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
6M recovery run
30min core workout (3 cycles)

Another easy day - no time for a session between work and nursery drop-offs/pick-ups. But I did manage a core workout again. Hopefully I won't be so stiff after this one.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Recovery and core

13M double; recovery runs x2 & core exercises
7M am recovery run
6M pm recovery run
30min core session (3 cycles)

My legs were like lead again this morning. They only got going in the last mile. They were ok but not full of energy on the way home.

My core session was better than last week's. it's a victory just to fit one in.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Summary of week ending 07/09/2014

TOTAL = 120M


23 mile crescendo run at 7.00-6.00-5.40

This wasn't my best long run, but it was good enough in terms of effort. The slow section at the beginning felt like crap. The middle section was pretty easy. But then the final, fast section was hard work to keep it at 5.40 along the canal. Though it was better once I relaxed into a rhythm.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Steady / recovery

14M double; recovery run & steady run
7M am recovery run
7M pm steady run

My legs felt shocking at the beginning of my morning run. No energy. No spring. By the end, they felt acceptable but not great. Strangely, they were full of zip by the evening and I ran pretty steadily.

I've decided not to run the Great North Run tomorrow. I lost a week or so of training to the bug I picked up on holiday, so I want to concentrate on high mileage and solid long runs. A shame, but I'll never match the excitement of last year - probably my fondest running memory, meeting Kenenisa Bekele, lining up behind him and then running beyond what I thought I was capable of, sobbing with delight in a heap on the grass at the end, and Yasmin and Hana meeting me off the train at Kings Cross with champagne.

I'll have to nail my long run to make up for it.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Plenty of hard cross-country miles again

22M double; medium-long run & recovery run
15M am incl 12M hard around the National cross-country course
7M pm recovery run

I ran another 'medium-long' effort around the Heath this morning, slightly longer than on Sunday. I warmed up for a couple of miles before running three and a bit big loops of the Southern/National cross-country course (I think it's the big lap we do in the Southern actually, including an extra little section up at the top of the Heath). The last mile and a bit was along the path past the track and up by the eastern ponds. I felt like I got the effort about right - better than Sunday, thanks to remembering the course a bit better and working out how and where to push. I jogged the mile home at snail's pace. My legs were in a state all day.

I was dead tired at the beginning of my evening run, but got going surprisingly well by the end.

Thursday, 4 September 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I ran gently to and from work today via Regent's Park. I was really tired in the morning.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


19M double; steady run & recovery run
13M am steady run
6M pm recovery run

I ran a pretty steady 13 miler on my way to work this morning around Hyde Park and briefly along the river. My legs were shot after last night's mile reps. They felt no better by the time I ran home. I'll take it fairly easy again tomorrow but run a session Friday morning I think.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Ten mile reps

19M double; recovery run & mile rep session
3M am recovery run
16M pm incl 10x1M off 90s jog

My morning run was very short thanks to nursery drop off and an earlyish start at work. But I made up for it in the evening by leaving work promptly and squeezing in 10 really good mile reps around the grass loop in Regent's Park before Hana's bath time. I was on the floor by the end of the last one.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Recovery and core work!

10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run
30min core session

I ran two easy ones today and then managed my first core session in about 18 months! I really want to make this block of training count, so I've decided to get back into the rhythm of fitting in core strength exercises a couple of times a week. I have struggled to find time (and inclination) to do them since Hana was born, but it shouldn't be so hard. I spend plenty of evenings sitting around achieving very little.

Today, I did just three cycles of the following: squats, single let toe-touches, deltoid extensions, sit-ups and single leg plank. I also did one cycle of calf raises on the stairs, which is supposed to be good at keeping Achilles niggles at bay.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Summary of week ending 31/08/2014


Three laps of the Heath cross-country course - hard

14M am medium-long tempo cross-country

I ran three of the big laps of the National / Southern cross-country course on the Heath this morning. They weren't timed, but it was a good workout. Not a bad end to what turned out to be a passable week session (if not mileage)-wise

Saturday, 30 August 2014


7M pm recovery run

I ran a gentle one around the Heath just before lunch today. Nice and slow. Perfect weather for it. My legs were fine, surprisingly fine after yesterday.

Friday, 29 August 2014

A killer double day - mile reps and a long run!

27M double; mile reps & long run
9M am incl 6x1M off 90s jog
18M pm steady

I was a bit overenthusiastic today perhaps. I didn't totally plan to run so hard, but was chomping at the bit to get back on track, so it just turned out the way it did by accident.

I was in clinic in Romford, so ran my usual mile rep session to Stratford in the morning. It was the usual slog with my heavy pack, so they weren't the fastest. But they were fairly good effort-wise.

I wanted to do a decent length run in the evening and half planned to run all the way home (18 miles), but wasn't sure it was the best idea after a hard session in the morning, wearing my pack and after my illness. After a decent first hour, I felt about as bad as I can remember feeling while running by the time I got to Mile End (11 miles). I think I must have been getting hypoglycaemic, because a Lucozade and an East Naturals bar sorted me out. By Angel (15 miles) I was pretty tired again and my legs didn't feel that steady. But I figured running was probably the fastest way home. And it's good to teach my body how to dip into its inner reserves, so I slogged on. If anything, I was getting stronger by the end.

I should think it was such a struggle mainly because I didn't have my usual glycogen reserves after last weekend's illness.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Still not a session

15M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
8M pm recovery run

I am still not quite back to full energy, but should be tomorrow I think.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

A bit longer

13M double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two more decent-length runs today, but both easy still.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Back running after being ill

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I've been ill with a dodgy stomach the last three days, but I seem to be back on track now. I took it pretty easy though.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Thirteen around a hill

13M am steady run

I ran around one of the nearby hills (Garn Fadryn) today, following my cousin James on his bike. Plenty of ups and downs made it pretty steady going, but my legs were ok.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Mile reps via a graveyard

Grandparents (and great grandparents)

Great great grandparents

12M am incl 10x5.30 off 90s jog

I ran a mile rep session to and from my grandparents' grave this morning. A bit odd maybe, but it's good to combine one's targets for the day. It's a nice spot. Though not quite as nice as the one my great great grandparents managed. Fringe (afterlife) benefit of a life on a mill in Snowdonia.

My legs were a bit sluggish, but there were ten reps them, so I shan't complain.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Steady, towards Abersoch

12M am steady

I ran twelve fairly steady miles towards Abersoch via Llanbedrog before everyone woke up this morning.

I'm running once a day this week, but fairly long. I might try to squeeze in an extra session given my reduced mileage.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Mile reps

12M incl 5.30 off 90s jog

I ran ten, hard mile reps before lunch but after too much snacking. I survived them and my legs felt like I ran hard enough. The reps were along an undulating course near our cottage (somewhere not far from Rhyd-y-Clafdy).

Monday, 18 August 2014


Planned rest

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Summary of week ending 17/07/2014

TOTAL = 119M

Three hours on the Llyn Peninsula

3 hours including last 35mins hard

I ran from our holiday cottage to the beach at Llanbedrog and then 45 minutes along beaches to Pwllheli and back. It was three hours and probably equivalent to a marathon. I ran the last 35 minutes hard and felt surprisingly good - zero tightness.

I refuelled at a very family barbecue.

Saturday, 16 August 2014


10M am recovery run

I was cream crackered this morning. It was a real struggle around the Heath.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Recovery miles

12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I took it easy today, though my legs felt ok, and just ran to and from work gently.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

15 miles, 12 of them hard

20M double; medium-long tempo & recovery run
15M am incl miles 3-14 at 6.10-5.45-5.30-5.20
5M pm recovery run

This session has become my regular second session of the week. It was the one that gave that bit extra last year ahead of the Great North Run. This was my second timed one of this block of training. It wasn't my best. I took ages to get going properly. My legs were so heavy I really wanted to ditch out of it from before I got up. And they felt just the same through the early miles.

It was only after about 8 miles that I could cruise at under 5.40 pace. The last 4 miles were good, at 5.30 and then 5.20 (the final K, this week into the wind).

It's always a bit of a mental battle, but the rest of the day seems like a breeze once it's done. And I'm a big fan of a porridge-Bircher muesli-energy shake breakfast.

My evening run felt like crap until I was distracted by the torrential downpour that engulfed me from Regent's Park to Gordon House Road.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014


15M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
10M pm recovery run

I was shattered today, morning and evening.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Evening mile reps

22M double; steady run & mile reps session
10M am steady run
12M pm incl 6x1M off 90s jog

I managed two decent length runs today, including a good mile rep session. I did the session this evening, which is a refreshing change from my usual daily routine. My legs felt much better for it. I managed a much better cadence, even in my first few reps. It was around the grass loop near the Hub in Regent's Park.

My morning run was seven miles around the Heath and then to work through Kentish Town.

Monday, 11 August 2014


14M double; recovery runs x2
8.5M am recovery run
5.5M pm recovery run

Two easy runs today, both of them avoiding the rain. My legs are totally fine after yesterday, which is  surprising - I was expecting them to be pretty tight. I'll see if they are up to a session tomorrow morning.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Summary of week ending 10/07/2014

TOTAL = 119M

28 on a ginger biscuit

28M am long run incl miles 11-17 hard

I got up ridiculously early this morning to fit in my long run before the Sky Ride thing got in my way (and to avoid losing the morning to my run). I set off at 5am, foolishly assuming I would be able to buy a drink en route. It turned out that, sensibly, all of the shopkeepers in London stay in bed until there's more than just one idiot out and about in the city. So I had to survive my 28 miles on the one (rather nice, chocolate coated) ginger biscuit I ate before leaving. It turned out alright luckily.

This time, I ran a hard segment in the middle of my run - seven hard miles from mile 11 to mile 17, along the river. Psychologically, it was good to have the hard running out of the way. And it reduced the risk of injury, running hard beyond marathon distance. Having said that, I didn't feel that I got too tight later on and had a good spring in my stride still as I finished.

I think I've run 28 once before, maybe twice, but never at anything other than a steady pace. This was a good confidence booster.

Saturday, 9 August 2014


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two near identical seven milers around the Heath today. I felt good on my evening run.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Hard, fairly long tempo

25M double; medium-long tempo & steady run
15M am incl miles 2-14 hard/crescendo at 6.00-5.40-5.30-5.17
10M pm stead run

After two day's gentle running, I had a pretty good 'medium-long' run this morning. I ran it with my Garmin, so knew how fast I was going. It was the usual story of taking ages to be able to get comfortable at a decent speed, but my legs slowly woke up and I was moving well in the last couple of miles in particular. The last K was at 5.17 pace - my record for this run is 5.07.

My legs hadn't yet got tired by the time I ran ten miles home, so I kept up a fairly steady pace.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Easy again

8M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I was busy today, so managed a meager 8. All of them were slow.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I ran gently to and from work today. My legs were pretty close to empty on the way in, and only half way decent on the way home.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

K reps

20M double; K rep session& recovery run
13M am incl 11x1K off  90s jog
7M pm recovery run

I managed to hit my session pleasingly hard this morning. It was another Regent's Park K rep session on the grass near the Hub. My legs aren't always awake enough to really fly in the mornings on these. The fact it was a longer session might have helped. The last five were good. I had to lie down in the dewy grass at the end for a bit.

My legs were ok for the evening easy run, but feeling pretty sorry for themselves.

Monday, 4 August 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I kept it easy today. To and from work via different routes through Regent's Park and Primrose Hill. My legs were feeling surprisingly good by the evening. Really light.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Summary of week ending 03/08/2014

TOTAL = 115M

22 miles crescendo

22M at 6.45-6.00-5.45min/M

I ran my first longer crescendo run since the marathon today. It was good if not great. The middle part felt easy. The last part (into the wind) was harder than it probably should have been. Still: a good start to crescendo runs in this marathon build-up.

Saturday, 2 August 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run
6M pm recovery run

Slow today. Very slow.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Recovery and 3 hard miles

17M double; recovery run & steady/hard run
7M am recovery run
10M pm steady plus 3M hard (miles 5-8)

I got through a decent number of miles again today. My evening run was a struggle to get going , bit I turned it around and ran three miles of it hard (up Haverstock Hill and out and back along Hampstead Lane. Good to get the legs moving.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

A good number of morning tempo miles

22M double; medium-long tempo & recovery runs
15M am incl miles 3-14 at tempo
7M pm recovery run

I managed to squeeze in a good 'medium-long' tempo run before work today. I ran it in effort rather than with my Garmin, bit I think not was pretty good. I'll wake up the Garmin at the weekend... My legs were in a state all day.

My evening run wasn't bad.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today. My legs were a bit heavy this evening, but not too terrible.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Really good, afternoon mile reps

18M double; recovery run & mile rep session
7M am recovery run
11M pm incl 6x1M off 90s-3min jog

I ran an afternoon rep session today for the first time in ages. It felt so different. Really positive, and easier to properly lay into them. I'll have to try to change my daily routine a bit to fit more in.

Monday, 28 July 2014

12, easy

12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

My morning run felt like treacle today. I was just about getting going towards the end, but was glad I had time in hand to get to work. I was a bit better by the evening.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Summary of week ending 27/07/2014



27M am steady long run

I felt amazing on this run. I could/should probably have run a good deal faster, but didn't like to push my luck. It was probably all at 6.30-6.40 pace, but my legs felt as better in the final few miles than at the beginning. A good end to what ended up being a half-acceptable week. I'm going to start adding speed to my long runs now. My legs have the endurance.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


13M double; steady run & recovery run
8M am (mainly) steady run
5M pm recovery run

I ran a nice little eight miler around the Heath a bit before lunchtime today - bumped into a Black Heath guy which sped things up a little while we talked. My evening run was a useful way of getting home after picking up my new specs on Oxford Street (after a Gelupo ice cream).

Friday, 25 July 2014

A good double via Romford

27M double; mile rep session & long run
9M am incl 6x1M hard off 90s jog with a pack
18M pm steady with pack

I had clinic in Romford and tried to make up for the rubbish running week I've had by running hard. It's always hard to make a pack-laden rep session that good, but at least it was a session.

On the way home, I decided not to fanny around with the train from Stratford and just run the whole way from Romford home. It's hard going with the pack, but the entertainment of getting completely drenched in the second half when the heavens 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

More recovery

7M double; recovery runs x2
4M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

More nursery duties. Two more short runs.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Nursery duties meant I could only run v short ones today. But I'm better.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A little run home

3M pm recovery run

I ran gently home today to get Hana. I'm still feeling well below what I'd want to unleash on a session.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Ill again - grr

I felt like crap today (and last night). At first, I thought it was heat stroke or something else to do with my not very hot, not very fast long run yesterday. Anyway, it was a virus. Sore throat. Temperature. But not very bad. I should be running tomorrow or Wednesday a the latest.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Summary of week ending 20/07/2014

TOTAL = 102M

A steady marathon

26.2M am in 3hrs

I ran a marathon this morning at a steady pace - 3 hours including a loo break and a lucozade break.That's a bit faster than 6.50 pace, depending on how long I stopped for. It felt fine. My legs were only a little tired towards the end, but not really tight.

Saturday, 19 July 2014


7M am recovery run

Just seven around the Heath in the refreshing rain.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Baking hot afternoon tempo running

17M double; recovery run & tempo run
7M am recovery run
10M pm incl miles 2-9 hard

I wimped out of running a hill rep session in the thunder and lightning this morning and was left instead with the option of running a session in the blazing later afternoon heat. It turned out to be not quite as bad as I had expected, partly thanks to a brief dunk under a water fountain in Regent's Park. I ran home taking the roads around the top of the Heath, jogging the first and last miles.

Thursday, 17 July 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Nothing flashy, just recovery runs today.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Good, medium-long tempo

16M double; K reps & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K hard
7M pm recovery run

I ran another decent but not spectacular K rep session around the Regent's Park grass look this morning on my way to work.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Back running

14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I managed two decent length easy runs today. I'm feeling better, but need to get going with some decent training.

Monday, 14 July 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Two easy ones.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Feeling crap

I didn't run today, I feel like something is brewing...

Saturday, 12 July 2014


7M am recovery run

Just one easy one around the heath today.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Longer tempo

22M double; medium-long tempo & recovery run
15M am incl miles 2-14 hard
7M pm recovery run

I ran my full length 'medium-long' tempo run finally this morning. I ran it untimed again, but felt like I got moveing well and feel like I'm getting close to some decent fitness now.

Thursday, 10 July 2014


17M double; steady run & recovery run
10M am steady
7M pm recovery run

I feel like this week is getting somewhere. Decent miles. I just need some harder ones now.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

K reps

14M double; K reps & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
5M pm recovery run

I ran a half decent K rep session around the grass look in Regent's Park this morning before the heat really got going. Still, I was sweaty as hell.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Easy again

12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

No time for hard running. Tomorrow morning.

Monday, 7 July 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M recovery run

Two easy ones, the second one just straight home.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Eighteen with the buggy

15M pm steady long run with buggy
3M pm easy with buggy

I was on baby duty all day, so took Hana with me on my long run... she seemed not to mind too much. I ran in around the Heath (two six mile loops) and Regent's Park, before an early pizza dinner at Franco Manca.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Just seven

7M am recovery/steady run

I just ran once today, around the Heath. I ran parts with a bit more spead, but it was mainly fairly slow.

Friday, 4 July 2014

K reps

12M double; K rep session & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
3M pm recovery run

I managed a pretty good K rep session before work this morning in Regent's Park. I'd like to run more of my sessions in the evenings, but the warm weather probably helps me get the most out of them.

I was so sweaty after my easy run this evening.

Thursday, 3 July 2014


8M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Just easy running today.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Longish tempo again

17M double; tempo run & easy run
13M am incl 9M hard (2M-11M)
4M pm recovery run

I ran the same tempo session as a couple of weeks ago this morning. Both were un-timed, but this one felt less speedy in the early stages. My legs took a while to wake up.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Easy again

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Just easy today. Busy.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Creaky legs

10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I felt awful this morning - my legs felt like they would hardly move. The last two days have really hit me. I'm not injured, just tight.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

A sluggish 24

24M slow

I ran my usual long run route, intending to keep it nice and steady. It turned out that my legs were still in trouble after yesterday's hilly tempo session. My hamstrings were tight from half way. They didn't get much worse towards the end, but it wasn't a great run.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Hilly tempo

9M am incl 6M hard

I've taken a full seven days off while we've been on holiday in San Sebastian and feel good for it. As a pre-departure present to myself, I ran a tempo session around the seafront roads and then finishing up the hill to the castle. It was nine miles in total with six of them hard. My legs were gone by the top of the hill and were suffering all day on the way home.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Easy again

12M double; recovery run x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I didn't have enough energy in my legs for a session somehow today. Off on holiday tomorrow. I think a rest will be good and then I'll get going properly.

Thursday, 19 June 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I kept it easy today.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Some early morning tempo

20M double
13M am incl 9M hard (2M-11M)
7M pm easy

I ran my first longer tempo runs in a while this morning. It was only 9 miles hard, rather than 13 I'll aim towards in a month or so, but it was a good session.

I ran easily out to Canary Wharf from work to see Ron in the evening.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Easy again

10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I felt shockingly slow this morning, but perked up by the afternoon. I have a tempo session planned for tomorrow.

Monday, 16 June 2014


7M am easy

I dragged myself for seven miles through the Essex countryside before clinic in Chelmsford this morning. My legs were feeling very sorry for themselves.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Summary of week ending 15/06/2014


24 easy

24M am easy

I'm upping my mileage on my long runs (and per week), getting ready for another good block of marathon training. Today, I ran 24 miles nice and gently. It felt fine, but a bit odd after all this time.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Different hill reps

9M am incl 16x~400m up/down hill reps off 45s jog

I ran some shorter, sharper hill reps this morning on Parliament Hill - up the East side from the ponds along a grass path. I ran alternate reps up and down off 45s jog recovery. The ups were real killers and the downs felt like good cross-country practice. My legs are still sore.

I completed my training with some gentle cross-training - laying turf in the garden and taking a load to the dump... I bet Salazar's facilities don't accommodate that sort of thing. He'd have them on some kind of cheap zero gravity tat.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Steady out East

18M double; steady runs x2
9M am steady run with pack
9M pm steady run with pack

I had clinic in Romford again, so I ran out to Stratford in the morning and back from Romford to Stratford in the evening. It's a hot slog in the summer from Romford to Stratford. My legs felt pretty good today.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

A surge session in Regent's Park

15M double; surge session & recovery run
10M am incl 19 minute surge session
5M pm recovery run

I ran my short and sharp surge session in Regent's Park on my way to work this morning. Had I been a bit more perky, I might have got up early and done some hill reps in the Heath. Instead, I ran my usual surge session around the grass loop near the Hub in Regent's Park. It was 90s-90s-60s-60s-60s-60s-30s-30s-30s-30s-15s-15s-15s-15s hard, alternating with (fairly) steady running. It felt ok, if not great.

My evening run was slow and sweaty.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


13M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
10M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today. Three to work and ten out to Canary Wharf to meet Ron.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

K reps in Regent's Park

14M double; K rep session & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
5M pm recovery run

I managed to just about squeeze in a K rep session around Regent's Park and a shower before my work day started this morning. My legs felt great again, like last night. Hopefully I'll get going properly with my training now. It feels like I'm coming out of a post-marathon lull.

Monday, 9 June 2014


6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I ran two slow ones today. My legs felt like lead in the morning but had woken up and were full of running in the evening.

I did something funny to my to my upper back/neck ducking under a budlleja on the way in. Hopefully it'll pass quickly cos I look like an idiot.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Summary of week ending 08/06/2014


18 and some cross training

18M am easy long run
And some gardening

I haven't run longer than about 15 miles (with a buggy) since the marathon, so I was pleased that my legs didn't complain too much today. I didn't leave til nearly 10, so it was pretty hot. But I took it at a nice easy pace, so I didn't get too sticky.

Saturday, 7 June 2014


7M am recovery run with buggy

I ran seven easy miles around the Heath with the buggy this morning in the rain. It was great. Really refreshing. And Hana dropped off as soon as the rain started. (Don't worry there is a rain cover for her.)

Friday, 6 June 2014

Mile reps to Stratford

18M double; mile rep session & steady run
9M am incl 6x1M off 90s jog with pack
9M pm steady with pack

I ran a mile rep session with my heavy work bag along the canal to Stratford this morning. It was hard going as usual thanks to my heavy bag, though my legs weren't helping.

My evening run was a real slog into the sun east from Romford to Stratford.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Ten, easy

10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I was really tired again today. My runs were slow-slow.

I've got some mile reps up my sleeve for my trip to Romford in the morning.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

K reps before a busy day

18M double; K rep session & recovery run
11M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
7M pm recovery run

I ran another of my pre-work Regent's Park K rep sessions again. It was pleasantly drizzly and the grass was perfect for a cooling, restorative rest at the end. All that, and I was at work in time for a busy day. I wasn't on pick-up duty this evening, so managed a SLOW seven miles on the way home.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Short and easy

6M double; recovery run x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I took it easy today, just running the short route to and from work.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Three miles hard

10M double; recovery run & short tempo
7M am recovery run
3M pm hard

I ran flat out home from work this evening and arrived a sweaty wreck. I wasn't as full of running as I might have thought after a day off, but I wasn't too bad.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Summary of week ending 01/06/2014



No running.

Just gardening.

Cross-training, I'll call it.

Saturday, 31 May 2014


6M am recovery run

I ran a very slow six-miler around the Heath this morning. I was cream crackered after yesterday. I'm going to give myself a day off tomorrow. Yes. To recovery. From not a lot.

Friday, 30 May 2014

K reps on the way to work

18M double; K rep session & recovery run
11M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
7M pm recovery run

I managed to churn out some fairly decent K reps in Regent's Park before work this morning. Not my best - my legs were a bit sluggsh - but not terrible either.

I ran slow home.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Easy again

10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

No time for a session today. My legs were really heavy this morning and not that different on the way home.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today. I needed it.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Mainly mile reps

14M double; recovery run & rep session
3M am recovery run
11M pm incl 2M-1M-1M-600-1M-1M off 90s jog

I was stiff but much more full of energy today. I think I have passed through my ill-timed treacly lull in form.

I ran home with my pack today (not too heavy, but not the lightest) via some reps of mainly a mile. They were dictated a bit by mood (I thought I would warm up with a longer one) and a bit by geography (hence the 600m in the middle). They didn't feel the fastest, but they never do with a pack. But I feel a bit odd still, nearly four hours later, so they must have been fairly good.

Monday, 26 May 2014


Ok, so this isn't buckling down to proper training, but I needed a rest... especially after the gardening I did yesterday afternoon.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Summary of week ending 25/05/2014


I ran like crap

13M am incl BUPA London 10,000m in 33.36

I ran like utter crap today. I could feel my legs were sluggish from the moment I started the warm up. 1K in it was still no better. By 3K I was wondering why I was bothering and struggling to hold on to a group I knew I should be ok with. At least I found enough of a fight to get to the end without losing too many places in the second half (probably fewer than 15). It was pretty pathetic though - slower than marathon pace......

I haven't managed a proper post mortem until mulling it over now, but it's probably a combination of things. I had felt back in shape a couple of weeks ago (until my virus) but have felt sluggish again since and training since getting over the marathon has been a bit disjointed and low mileage. I ran hard/fast sessions this week and was still a bit stiff. I drank a fair bit of wine and ate loads last night and then slept only 5 hours last night. Plus iveprobably put on some post-marathon pounds (haven't weighed myself to know though).

I need to buckle down now and start training properly to get in shape for the Autumn...

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Six, easy

6M am recovery run

I ran six slow miles this morning. My legs can still feel Thursday's session.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Nine in the countryside

9M am recovery run

I ran nine gentle miles in the Cambridgeshire countryside this morning. There was less spring in my stride than last night, but it was early.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

A surge session on freshening legs

18M double; surge session & steady run
11M am incl 20 min surge session
7M pm recovery run

My legs were really sluggish first thing today and I put off my surge session for ages. Once I got going it was not bad - 90s-90s-60s-60s-60s-60s-30s-30s-30s-30s-15s-15s-15s-15s. A good sharpener ahead of Sunday's BUPA 10K I hope. I ran it around the loop by the Hub in Regent's Park and found myself lying down at the end on the same patch of grass as Monday until I had the energy to jog home.

Weirdly, my legs felt fantastic on my evening run. I ran it pretty swiftly as a result. In the Cambridgeshire countryside.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I ran two dead slow five milers to and from work with a loop along the canal. My legs are tired after yesterday.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Early reps in Regent's Park

14M double; rep session & recovery run
11M am incl 1M-1M-1K-1K-800-800-400-400-400 off 90-60s jog
3M pm recovery run

I had another early start today to squeeze in a rep session before work. I ran it around the fields near the Hub in Regent's Park. The weather was perfect, with a nice cool breeze. I got it about right effort wise and had to lie down in the grass at the end (lovely in the dew). The lion in the zoo was roaring encouragement as I went.

Monday, 19 May 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

My legs (particularly my TFLs) were tight after the supposedly long run I did yesterday. Nothing bad. But a bit surprising.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Summary of week ending 18/05/2014


A long run with the buggy

15M pm long run with buggy

Hana and I went for a long slow one today in the heat of the day (on our way in to town for a spot of lunch). It was breezy enough that sunburn was my main enemy rather than sweaty dehydration. Hana slept for almost all of it and seemed to enjoy the wind in her hair once she woke up.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Early morning K reps around the track

10M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog

I got up at 5 something to fit in a K rep session before I took on the childcare mantle today. There were two guys play fighting on lanes 1 and 2 when I got there - presumably high on love on drugs, it was hard to tell which. They seemed perturbed by the arrival of a freak in shorts and a vest and scarpered after my second rep. I overcooked my early reps in retrospect. I was slowing by the end. My fastest K was 3.13, my slowest 3.20. Not very fast.


10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

My legs were surprisingly stiff after yesterday's short blow out. Maybe those four days off took more out of me than I thought.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Three miles hard

8M double; recovery run & 3M hard
5M am recovery run
3M pm hard

I didn't have much time on my hands today, but had lots of energy so I ran flat out home to pick up the little one. She seems not to object to my sweat. Hopefully it was not too offensive to the nursery staff...

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Running again after four days off

10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I'm back running after four days of feeling like crap. My legs feel full or bounce.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Ill, but a great night at the track

Highgate Harriers Night of the 10,000m PBs! A night to remember.

I have a virus, so couldn't run tonight.

But it was such an amazing night just to be a spectator/marshal. I have lost my voice.

It will feel a different track next time I find myself alone, running pre-dawn K reps. 

Friday, 9 May 2014


6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Two gentle ones today. Race tomorrow...

Thursday, 8 May 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Two easy runs today. Things are hotting up for the Highgate 10K party / National 10K champs on Saturday. And I now have childcare sorted too, so I won't have to run with the buggy...

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Six K reps

12M double; recovery run & K rep session
5M am recovery run
7M pm incl 6x1K off 90s jog

I ran six K reps meat the Hub in Regent's Park on the way home today. I ran fewer to keep myself fresh for the track 10K I'm racing in Saturday. I ran a lot of sessions around this loop last summer and it got me fit enough to run my 66.51 at the Great North. It was good to be back.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Easy (busy)

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I was too busy for anything other than two short ones today.

Monday, 5 May 2014


A planned day off.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The best session since the marathon

9M am incl 2x1M, 4x800, 4x400 off 90s jog

I suddenly feel back to 100%. My session this morning (at the track) was really positive. I ran it at about 10am, which meant my legs were more awake. And I warmed up for 2 miles plus some strides, which helped too. My reps came out at 5.13, 5.12 for the miles, 2.36-2.32 for the 800s and 71s for the 400s (bar the last, which was 73s). Hardly lightening, but not bad for me on my own in my normal trainers. More important was the fact that my stride was more positive and I was up on my toes well, felling like I was moving properly again.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Seven slow miles around the Heath

7M am recovery run

I plodded around the Heath earlier than I would have liked this morning. At least the sun is up early now, so it was pleasing on my bleary eyes.

Friday, 2 May 2014


17M double; tempo run & recovery run
10M am incl 30min tempo
7M pm recovery run

I ran a pretty solid-feeling 30 minute tempo session around Regent's Park this morning on my way to work. My legs are still a little heavy, but they are getting there. My legs felt more human this evening than for a while.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Just six

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I was on nursery duty today, so I only managed two short ones.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

K reps

13M double; K rep session & recovery run
10M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
3M am recovery run

I got up early to run my session before work today. It was cold in the mist and I was wet through by the end. I took a while to warm up, but reps 2-8 felt half decent if not very fast (3.15-3.19).

My second run was just straight home to meet the dishwasher guy.

More recovery

10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I didn't have time to fit in a session today and the way my legs felt, I was glad to have another 12 hours to recover.

Monday, 28 April 2014


11M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
4M pm recovery run

I ran twice today. My legs felt like lead first thing with a heavy pack on the way to work. They weren't that much better on the way home and I felt a bit dizzy having just eaten a bit of birthday cake before I left.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Summary of week ending 27/04/2014


More hill reps

9M incl 5x1.2K Parliament Hill reps

I managed to drag legs up and down some Parliament Hill reps again today. The weather was grey enough that there weren't too many people in my way.

My leg felt discernibly better than when I ran the same session on Wednesday. My hamstrings are less tight and I could stride out on the downs. My reps came out pretty even and a bit faster than Wednesday despite having to dodge a football match - 4.56-4.56-4.56-4.57-4.57. 

Saturday, 26 April 2014


7M am recovery run

I ran nice and gently around the Heath this morning. The weather was just right. My legs weren't, but they are getting there and I think I'm going to be going well next week.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Mile reps to Stratford

9M incl 6x1M off 90s jog

I had clinic out in Romford today, so decided to run a mile rep session along the canal to Stratford weighing my heavy work load (laptop, shoes, smart clothes etc). It felt like I was running through treacle and I really struggled to get my cadence high. Not the best session, but that's no surprise.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Easy again

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I am ok after yesterday's session, but my legs can feel it - a combination of the marathon and my recent lack of hill reps. My upper quads and hip flexors are moaning.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

First session back

9M am incl 5x1.2K Parliament Hill reps

My legs have recovered slowly but well from the marathon. Any tightness I have (mainly my hamstrings) is symmetrical, which is a sign it's not likely to turn into an injury I think. I will fill in the last few days' training shortly, but I've been running gently while slowly increasing the mileage.

I ran five (rather than my more usual eight) reps of Parliament Hill. Number four was the fastest (4.56). Number five was the slowest (5.04). And numbers four and five tied as the most painful, which suggests I judged the level of effort not badly. I'm itching to rack up some fast 10K (and maybe even 5K) times if I can get a good few weeks of training in with the emphasis on some shorter stuff... before I refocus on my next marathon (in the Autumn?).

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I am nearly ready for a session, but kept it short and gentle today.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Still not ready for a session

11M double; recovery runs x2
8M pm recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I ran into the centre of town for a bight to eat with the family this afternoon and ran a more direct route home again. Hana was with me in the buggy from both. She was awake and giggling on the way home.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Summary of week ending 20/04/2014



10M am recovery run

I felt worse today, energy wise, but slogged through ten early morning miles around the Heath and Heath Extension.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

More easy miles

12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I'm slowly increasing my mileage. I still feel like crap, but I'm getting there.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Six miles

6M am recovery run

Buoyed by yesterday's success, I ran six whole miles today. I felt very sluggish, but again no sign of injury.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Some running

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

I tried my legs out today, gently running to and from work. My hamstrings are still tight, but nothing feels injured.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Just... about... able... to... walk...

These are my favourite snaps from the day. The first one is from my sister (and her iPlayer). In the second one I look like I'm flying, but I was feeling like shit and desperately trying to sort out my breathing.

Today, I am very stiff. But I ate a lot and dreamt of my next marathon campaign! I felt so lucky to even come close to running well yesterday. And now I've got used to it, I realise I can get properly fit while doing nursery drop-offs etc.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Summary of week ending 13/04/2014


I'm not sure fun is the word, but

27M incl London Marathon in 2h24m46s (30th)

It was nearly but not quite one of my great days today. I'm not where I might have been fitness-wise - my 70.48 half marathon at Reading nearly put me off racing altogether, but I wanted to run whatever.

I was really up for it at the start, though the business end of the marathon is so far away at that point it's almost irrelevant. I settled into a good rhythm and ran the first half comfortably with Andy Greenleaf setting the pace for Jonathan Poole and me as an extra passenger. We hit half way in 70.45ish and I was feeling good (yes, despite being faster than my eyeballs out Reading performance in March).

Where my run suffered was at 15 miles when I had stomach issues for a short period and I lost 20 metres on Jonathan and a group that had just joined us. I really fought to catch them, but they slowly got away, partly because I was still going through periodic patches where my breathing was out of sync. That left me alone for the last 10 miles, but with plenty of people to real in.

The wind was gently in our faces heading home and it kept me nice and cool. I kept it together ok, partly thanks to the fact I had been religiously drinking and taking gels according to my pre-race plan. I also managed to re-focus after my blip, get up an emotional head of steam and get properly in the one mile at a time, don't think beyond that, mode. I was passed by on guy on the Embankment, but otherwise was passing people all the way.

It must have been carnage higher up the British field. There were stacks of guys going through the early stages in what looked like 2.18 pace.

All in all, I think I should be pleased with a half-fit 2.24 and my highest ever London placing: 30th! Destiny, on my 30th running anniversary?

My plans from here? Some 10Ks to finish the Spring and then a really solid build-up to an Autumn marathon, either in Berlin or Amsterdam and another shot at sub-2.20.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Final (mental) preparations


Training today involved an afternoon spent sleeping and reading the 'mental preparation' sections of the Lore of Running. I've not read it in a couple of years and it makes me realise how different things are in my mind from 2011.

I think the intervening marathons have been harder to deal with mentally and to problem solve during the races. I've also set off at an ambitious pace each time. Although to be honest, a lot of it has been down to whether it has been my day or not (it was in April 2011, it wasn't a year later etc).

I am going to run more freely tomorrow and go with how my body tells me to run, rather than with a very set mile by mile plan. I think I may even go watchless!..

I love the emotions of the day before a marathon. I'm in my usual state, I just hope I can harness it like 2011 and last year's Great North.

Friday, 11 April 2014

A final 5

5M am recovery run

My legs haven't felt this good in a while. Hopefully it's a sign of a purple patch... I will know by about 11.15 on Sunday morning I think (and maybe before).

I have stocked up on carbs (loading in progress) and some Beet It shots for race day.

The weather looks good.

All seems to be in order.

Now I just need to hope my mind and body deliver.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Easing down nicely

5M am recovery run

Five miles to work with music blaring in my ears.

Apparently Mo is going to take it at his own pace and let the leaders go and aim to pick them off in the second half as they fade. I think I will take the same approach. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


6M am recovery run

I had a great little run in to work this morning with my headphones on, listening to my pre-race playlist.

I went to get my number from the marathon expo after work.

My legs are feeling great and my emotions are also coiling themselves up nicely.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

A couple of miles at (a bit more than) race pace

7M am incl 2M at 5.18-5.10min/M

I ran gently down to the river this morning and ran a couple of miles at around race pace in my flats. The first mile was at 5.18, the second at 5.10min/M. Both felt good. Wearing flats makes a massive difference! My policy of only race in them does no good for my self confidence on rep sessions - I don't know how many seconds per lap my massive trainers slow me down, but I suspect it's a couple. Anyway, the flip side is that I feel incredible when I do finally get to pull on my racers.

That will be my last bit of fast running until I warm up on Sunday.

I caught the tube home. It has been so long since I did that that I had to get Yasmin to remind me of the fastest route.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Easy - and some visualisation!

10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run with some strides
3M pm recovery run

I ran to work with headphones, thinking about the race this morning.

I'm getting there...

Sunday, 6 April 2014

30th Running Anniversary!

(Not thirty years ago, probably 25, but it's the best I could do)

I don't think I mentioned that this Spring is the 30th Anniversary of my first running race - aged 7 in a playing field in Cambridge. It makes me dewy-eyed thinking about the privilege I've had of enjoying running in the years that have followed, particularly the last five years since I re-found it and the child-like joy of racing.

It's part of the reason I've been set on racing next week despite the slow start I had to the year. It'll be my celebration! And will be a good focus for my emotional preparation for the race... Tears on the start line are a recipe for success I have learnt.

Summary of week ending 06/04/2014


Recovery and some inspiration from Kenenisa Bekele

5M am recovery run

Five very slow miles around the Heath this morning in the drizzle. It's taper all the way now.

I nipped out for my run while Kenenisa Bekele was running the Paris marathon but got back in time to watch the last 20K and suck in some inspiration.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

A positive run at the 12 Stage Road Relay

13M pm incl 5.08M long relay leg (26m19s; 5m11s/M)

I had great fun again at the National 12 Stage Road Relay today. It's always a great event - a bit of a social plus a brief interlude of pain. I ran a long leg, which is great for my marathon build-up.

It was a great team performance - we were leading for most of the first half of the race and finished 9th. We're on the up!

He route was shorter than previously on account of some ridiculous health and safety nonsense, which ales it harder to compare my time to previous years. But it seemed to be about 90 seconds shorter. If that's the case, this was as fast as I ran here in 2012 after my trip to Ethiopia... that year I set out at 2.18 marathon pace the next weekend (and died). The year before, I had been 30s slower and got my 2.22.

Any which way, I think I am hitting some form and should be capable of a decent performance next week. I'll come up with a plan over the next week, but I'm really in the mood for it.

PS Steve Cram was out on the course watching today. Marginally more exciting than overtaking Michael Palin as we both(!) ran up Parliament Hill last night.

Friday, 4 April 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today to and from work, ready for the 12 Stage tomorrow.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

One last rep session

13M double; reps session & recovery run
10M am incl 1M-1.2K-1K-1K-1K-800-800-600 off 90s jog
3M pm recovery run

I got up obscenely early again this morning to get to track in time for some reps before Hana woke up. I was going to run eight K reps, but I altered it to try to get some more speed in my legs. It felt alright (if not great) and I didn't seem to require admission to hospital with respiratory difficulties on account of this smog they keep going on about. My legs were still a bit jaded from Tuesday's run I think.

All I have left now before the marathon is Saturday's National 12 Stage Road Relay and plenty of taper.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


9M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
6M pm recovery run

Two dead slow runs today. To work and them from work to meet Ron in Canary Wharf to talk about the marathon...

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Feeling good on my last 15 miler

18M double; medium-long tempo & recovery run
15M am incl miles 2-6 at 6.00min/M; 7-10 at 5.35; 11-14 at 5.20
3M pm recovery run

I suddenly feel like I've found some fitness. This was by some way my best medium-long tempo run of the year. It felt more like they felt like autumn. The final four miles felt good if hard at 5.20 pace. I didn't have enough in the tank to get down lower for the final K like I have once or twice, but I was still pleased with it. Food for thought for what I should expect from myself on race day.

Monday, 31 March 2014


No running today - the start of the proper taper. I just walked to work and back to stretch my legs a bit.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Summary of week ending 30/03/2014


Sunday K reps

12M double; recovery run & K rep session
4M pm recovery run
8M pm incl 10x1K off 90s jog

Having run my long run on Thursday, today I had time for more speed work. I can really feel my legs getting faster now. I ran 10 K reps at the track just before sunset. It felt the best I've run since September.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Eight with surges

8M am incl 18 minute surge session

I ran gently around the Heath this morning before finishing the run (and myself) off with the 18 minute surge session I've been doing again recently - 90-90-60-60-60-60-30-30-30-30-15-15-15-15s hard alternating with the same durations of steady running. It feels like it's a good sharpening session but is short enough that I can squeeze it in the day before or after a proper hard session.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Ten steady miles

10M pm steady run with pack

I ran from Romford to Stratford on my way back from clinic this evening with my pack. My legs are pretty shot after yesterday, so I decided to postpone any faster running til tomorrow - I had wondered about a surge session, but it was well beyond what I was up for.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

My last long run before race day

22M double; long crescendo run & recovery run
19M am crescendo run
3M pm recovery run

This was my last long run before marathon day (did I mention I'm definitely running the London Marathon? I CAN'T WAIT).

Anyway, today I was hampered by the fact I forgot to charge my Garmin, so I just had to run until my legs felt like crap. Judging from the fact that they still do, twelve hours later, I should be pleased with my efforts. I ran two laps of Hyde Park. I was aiming at the usual pattern for these runs: first third fairly controlled, second third ~6min/M, third third hard.

I jogged home at snail's pace.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Fairly steady

14M double; steady run & recovery run
9M am steady run
5M pm recovery run

I kept it pretty steady today. My legs can feel yesterday's session - I'm not sure if that's good (it's a sign of response/a hard session) or bad (I should be for already). I'll take it as good.

I'm running my last long(ish) run in the morning - 18 miles crescendo.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

K reps

10M am incl 10x1K off 90s jog

I ran some really good, hard K reps this morning along a tarmac track in Daylseford Farm. They felt miles better than the ones I've run recently on the tartan at Parliament Hill. I found a really good rhythm. I think I'm heading in the right direction.

Monday, 24 March 2014


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I went for a couple of gentle runs in Kingham today (on holiday in the Cotswolds for a couple of days). I have spotted where I can do some K reps tomorrow morning, which is a relief.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Summary of week ending 23/03/2014

TOTAL = 115M

22 mile crescendo run

22M am crescendo run at 6.45-6.00-5.30

I ran my usual long run route via Hyde Park, the river to Limehouse and them back along the canal home. The wind made the middle section easy and the final section hard. I am definitely fitter than a few weeks ago, but I'm not in the shape I was last September (yet?).

Saturday, 22 March 2014

A steady Saturday

18M double; recovery run & steady run
9M am recovery run
9M pm steady run

I ran while doing errands today. The morning run took me to Ottolenghi to buy breakfast. The evening run to the launderette to tumble dry Hana's bed linen (there was a crisis).

Friday, 21 March 2014

A surge session

18M double; 15M with some surges & recovery run
15M am incl 18 minute surge session
3M pm recovery run

I dragged myself out of bed at 5 something again this morning to keep my mileage up for the week. As well as wanting to get a decent number of miles in, I wanted to get some speed in my legs. So I ran the same surge session as last Friday, but this time around the track. It has surges of 90s-90s-60s-60s-60s-60s-30s-30s-30s-30s-15s-15s-15s-15s alternating with steady running. I wanted to lie down at the end of it.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

50 laps of the track

20M double; medium-long tempo & recovery run
17Mam incl miles 2-14 hard (average 5.35min/M)
3M pm recovery run

I got up early for one of my 'medium-long' tempo runs at the track. I ran 50 laps, 48 of them (i.e. 12 miles) hard. I averaged 5min35secs per mile, slowly cranking up the pace. It's pretty mentally tough churning out lap after lap - much harder than the same distance on the roads.

The guy with his personal trainer who were at the track for all but the first and last laps must have wondered what I was doing. They probably think I'm still there.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


No running today - a planned rest to combine with a busy day with work (in Holland).

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Lots of miles and then some fartlek

20M triple; recovery run, steady run & fartlek
5M am recovery run
10M pm steady run with pack
5M pm fartlek with pack

I was busy today, but managed to link up the various bits of my day with running. It ended with a fartlek session through the city centre. It kind of worked.

Monday, 17 March 2014


17M double; recovery runs x2
10M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two easy runs today to start the week.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Summary of week ending 16/03/2014

TOTAL = 110M

A road relay to end a solid week

9M pm incl 7.6K road relay leg in 25.22

My legs were surprisingly happy to give it some today after a really solid week. I had a bit of soreness left after Friday's session. Perhaps it was the thrill of starting just ahead of Chris Thompson on my leg that made it seem like such fun. I didn't hold him off for long.

Hana didn't seem to mind coming along with me.

If I can get another couple of really good weeks in before the taper, I feel like I might be heading into some kind of shape...

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Gentle miles, mainly with the buggy

21M triple; recovery runs x3
7M am recovery run
10M pm recovery run with buggy (with some steady bits)
4M pm recovery run with buggy (and some shopping)

I ran a fair way today, but nice and gently. I got up early for a solo run around the Heath in gorgeous early morning light. The rest of my running for the day was with Hana in the buggy as I headed into the centre of town for some shopping and lunch. The combination of the buggy and a headwind made Parliament Hill a killer.

Friday, 14 March 2014

A sharpening surge session

16M double; recovery run & surge session
6M am recovery run
10M pm incl 2x 90s, 4x 60s, 4x 30s, 4x 15s surges

I was shattered this morning, but enjoyed the fact that I was out on the Heath in my shorts, a t-shirt and sunglasses.

This evening I ran a surge session I've used a few times to get a bit of sharpness in me. It's fairly short, but really hurts by the end, alternating burst of hard running with steady running for 18 minutes in total (9 minutes fast, 9 minutes steady). My route took me through Hampstead, which was luck because I was in the market for some Ox cheeks.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

20 before work

23M double; long run & recovery run
20M am long run at 6.45-6.00-5.30/20min/M
3M pm recovery run

I got up at five to fit in this one - I'm running a road relay race at the weekend, so I can't do my long run at the weekend. It was a long one: I ran two loops of Hyde Park and the up and down the river between Chelsea and Blackfriars bridges.

Unsurprisingly, I struggled to get going, but it turned into a really solid run. The first third was nice and easy (~6.45min/M). The second third felt comfortable at 6.00min/M. And the third third came together nicely. It was all at around 5.30min/M, with the final couple of miles at 5.20min/M wit without dying

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run
6M pm recovery run

My legs feel like they've been through a real pelting. They didn't want to do anything but jog today.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A good 15 in the morning

20M double; medium-long tempo & recovery run
15M am incl miles 2-14 crescendo at 6.00-5.20min/M
5M pm recovery run

I am feeling much more positive about my fitness now. Two good runs in two days.

It was the usual story on this run, feeling crap when I first tried to pick the pace up, but then finding the speed coming more easily as the miles passed. The final five tempo miles were all close to 5.20min/M.

My evening run was slow and tiring.

Ten slow Monday miles

10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Two slow ones today to and from work via Parliament Hill (in shorts). My legs are shattered after yesterday.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Summary of week ending 09/03/2014


A great 24 mile crescendo run

24M am crescendo run at 6.45min/M (0-8M), 6.10 (8-16M) & 5.40-5.30 (16-24M)

This was the way to end my week. I had been feeling miserable after my rubbish run last Sunday and then had missed a session and shortened another in the week. I guess that left me a bit fresh and hungry for a hard long run.

I ran a loop of Hyde Park to get some extra miles in compared to my standard Regent's Park, Marble Arch, Hyde Park Corner, Westminster, Tower Bridge, Limehouse, Regent's Canal route.

I felt pretty shocking in the slow segment, but from then on felt great. I didn't go crazy at the beginning of the final 8 miles, and slowly cranked up the speed/effort/pain. By the end I was holding 5.30 despite the odd bike or bridge or lock, so I was pretty happy. The last mile and a half is up holland usually comes out at 6.00min/M when pushing hard, but was 5.50min/M today.

If I get another 2-3 quality weeks in, you never know, I might begin shape to run a half  decent marathon on April 13th!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

13 to and from the E5 Bakehouse

13M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run with buggy
6M pm recovery run

We combined running with a visit to Broadway Market and the E5 Bakehouse today. It's a nice route out along the canal, which we extended a bit by carrying on to Victoria Park before turning back. My banana, honey, raisins and nuts on sourdough was well worth the trip. The salt beef bagel from Broadway Market for seconds wasn't bad either.

Yasmin and Hana took the train back while I ran back via the canal. TFL saw to it that I was home first despite my leisurely pace.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Some tempo running

13M double; recovery run & tempo run
3M am recovery run
10M pm incl 7M hard

I felt sluggish after four days off hard running, but once I got going this evening it felt like a really good run. Shorter than usual, but good nonetheless.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Getting better

13M double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I will be back to running hard again tomorrow...

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


3M am recovery run

Hana and I have the sesame bug I think. It conspired against much running today.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Another easy ten

10M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

I was going to run hard this evening, but I have caught Hana's current bug so headed home for pancakes instead.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Ten, easy

10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today. My legs are feeling a bit beaten, despite yesterday's slow time.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Summary of week ending 02/03/2014

TOTAL = 101M

A rubbish run at the Reading Half

18M am incl Reading Half Marathon in 70m38s

I was rubbish today at the Reading Half. I'm not sure why. I'm pretty sure I'm fitter than this, though probably only a minute or two (I know I'm not yet as fit as I was last September). And my legs had felt pretty good this week. I don't have any answers right now.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


7M am recovery run

I had a long lie in this morning to catch up after multiple early starts this week. Hana also slept in. Y, meanwhile, ran 9 miles. When I finally got around to it, I ran 7 nice and gently in the Heath. My legs felt great.

Friday, 28 February 2014


10M am easy

One run today. Early in the morning.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

More reps

18M double; rep session & recovery run
15M am incl 3x1.2K, 5x1K, 2x800m, 1x600m off 90s jog
3M pm recovery run

I went to the track early again today and ran some more 1.2K-600m reps. Early on I was sluggish, but I felt I got moving well by the end I ran really slowly the rest of the way to work. And I took it easy on the way home too.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A steady day

16M double; recovery run & steady run
6M am recovery run
10M pm steady run

My legs felt pretty full of running today. Hopefully, I'm entering a purple patch ahead of the weekend's race. I ran to work via a loop on the Heath after nursery drop off and ran home around the top of the Heath.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Lots of reps

18M double; track session & recovery run
15M am incl 3x1M-7x1K-5x600m off 90s-60s jog
3M pm recovery run

My legs felt like crap when I got up this morning, but they perked up as my session got going. I think the speed crescendo was good for them. I was intending to run 15 K reps, but thought I'd make it more interesting and a bit more 'sharpening' ahead of the Reading Half (on Sunday). I was shattered by the end and lumbered pathetically down the road to work from the track.

Monday, 24 February 2014

14 easy Monday miles

14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two easy runs to and from work today. My legs needed an easy day.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Summary of week ending 23/02/2014

TOTAL = 115M

22 hard

22M am long crescendo run at 6.45-5.50-5.30min/M

This week has ended well. This is my first good-feeling long run of the year. I even felt good and springy from the moment I left the door. By half way, I was holding myself back (perhaps partly because I had the wind at my back). And, though I was slowed a bit by the wind in parts, most of the final third was at around 5.30min/M pace. A decent run to end a good week.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Seven easy ones

7M am recovery run

I took it easy today. Mainly because I spent the day en famille. (I squeezed my run in at 6am)

Friday, 21 February 2014

A good tempo on the way to work

22M double; medium-long tempo run & recovery run
15M am medium long tempo with miles 2-14 at 6.00-5.20min/M
7M pm recovery run

This session has been eluding me for a while - mainly because I've not been able to run it on my preferred route, which finishes with 6-7M of fairly uninterrupted flat tarmac. It always seems to be hard work at the beginning and, like plenty of times before, I felt like throwing in the towel after about 6-7 miles when I was struggling to pick the pace up through Hyde Park. But towards the end, I started to feel really good. As good as I have felt this year. I think my fitness is finally coming through.

My evening run was super-slow and felt pretty rubbish.

Thursday, 20 February 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Just time for two recovery runs today. I'm tired after yesterday.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

24 steady

27M double; recovery run & long steady run
3M am recovery run
24M pm at 6.45-6.00min/M

I didn't feel at my finest today. Still a bit coldy. So I was anxious about my evening long run. But I got going ok and could clip along at 6min/M without too much puff when I was on the flat. By the end I was pretty tired, but still moving ok and not too tight in my hamstrings. I think I should have eaten better yesterday and during the day.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Mile reps in Essex

13M incl 10x1M hard off 90s jog

I had clinic in Chelmsford today and found that there's a good mile-long stretch of pavement for reps nearby. I felt miles better than I have recently on my pre-dawn mile reps around the track.

I didn't have time for an evening run - I was driving to and from Oxford to pick up Hana.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Summary of week ending 16/02/2014


No run

I'm brewing another virus, so I thought I'd delay the 24 miler til Wednesday...

Saturday, 15 February 2014


7M am recovery run

Nice and easy around the Heath

Friday, 14 February 2014


16M double; steady run & recovery run
13M am steady run
3M pm recovery run

I felt like rubbish this morning. I was dying for the end of the run from about half way through. I'm glad I didn't try to run it hard... that's tomorrow's job.

Pre-dawn track tempo

16M am incl 12M tempo

I got up at 5.15 this morning and ran around and around and around the track in the dark. I wasn't at my fastest I don't think, but managed to slowly crank up the pace. I was cream crackered on the 3 mile jog to work afterwards.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Pre-dawn mile reps

22M double; mile rep session & recovery run
15M am incl 10x1M off 90s jog
7M pm recovery run

I got up at 5am and ran ten mile reps around the dark track. They felt pretty good once I got going. And I had gone to be early enough that I felt pretty human while doing it and for the rest of the day. I managed a nice family breakfast too.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Short and easy

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

A nursery drop-off and pick-up day. I took the few miles I ran easy.

Monday, 10 February 2014


13M double; steady run & recovery run
10M am steady run incl 1M swift
3M pm recovery run

I ran to work around the top of the Heath this morning fairly steadily including one swift mile through Regent's Park. I took the shortest route home to get on with the journey to Oxford to pick up Hana.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Summary of week ending 09/02/2014

TOTAL - 103M

Twenty with surges

20M am long run with 6x1M surges

We were busy today, so I had to get up early to fit in a long one. I ran my usual Parliament Hill-Regent's Park-Hyde Park-Westminster-River-Limehouse-Canal 20 mile route. But instead of my usual crescendo, I ran it with six hard mile surges in the last 10 miles with varying recovery periods at cruising speed between them. I feel I am beginning to find some fitness...

It was a good end to a hard week's running: two long runs, a medium long tempo and a 10x1M session.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Seven, easy

7M pm recovery run

Seven slow miles around the Heath. My legs felt in need of a gentle one.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Medium-long tempo on the way home

18M double; recovery run & medium-long tempo
3M am recovery run
15M pm incl 12M tempo

I ran my tempo run this evening along a different route from my usual. It was hilly (around the perimeter of the Heath twice), which made it hard, but also made it hard to hit my usual road running rhythm. The flat section along the top of the Heath was fast both times, so it was probably a pretty good session.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Just six

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Only time for short runs today - nursery pick up and drop off required.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

24 before work

27M double; long crescendo run & recovery run
24M am crescendo run incl 0-10M at 7min/M; 10-19M at 6.15; 19-24M at 5.40
3M pm slow recovery run

I got up at five again this morning to fit in a quality long run before work. I went twice around Hyde Park and then past Parliament to Battersea Park and back to work.

I took the first segment really easy and didn't go crazy on the middle segment either (6.15min/M) but felt comfortable slowly cranking up the speed over the final five miles to finish a bit under 5.40min/M (I averaged 5.40, with the final mile more like 5.30 I should think). I was pleased. My legs aren't ready to go full blast at the end of a 24 miler (and maybe that's unwise anyway other than when racing), so this was a good, sensible session.

I ran home only to avoid the tube strike. My hamstrings were a bit tight initially, but I was running pretty normally by the end.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


13M double; steady run & recovery run
10M am steady run
3M pm recovery run

I ran to work around the top of the Heath this morning - fairly steadily, particularly on the hills. I was on nursery pick-up, so only ran three miles home.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Ten mile reps in the dark

12M am incl 10x1M off 90s jog

I got up at five this morning to fit in some mile reps on the track in the dark before childcare duties kicked in. They were good. And I had gone to bed early enough that it wasn't too painful. It was dark, but there's enough light from the city bouncing off the clouds that I could see comfortably right from the beginning.