This blog is mainly to help me and Ron (my fabulous coach) keep track of what is going on in my training. Good days. Bad days. Successes and failures. Aches and pains. That sort of thing. But please come visit once in a while to see how we're getting on!

Monday, 30 September 2013


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I felt surprisingly good on both my runs today - to and from work.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

22 cracking Swiss miles

22M am crescendo run

I ran 28 laps of the same 1.2K as yesterday (plus a bit on the way to the park and back). I've never run a long one on such a short loop and thought I'd go crazy with the repetition by the end. I was pretty mind-numbed on the first few (slow) laps, but as I picked up the pace my ability to think dropped and the speed at which time passed seemed to increase. I also started to feel better - more energetic, after feeling tempted to bail out on the run and decide 4 sessions in the 7 days following my cold was a bad idea. I was encouraged to keep going and push hard by thoughts of the Berlin Marathon which was due to start soon after my run.

In the end, I think this was probably one of my better long runs. I didn't use a Garmin; but I was moving pretty well by the end of the first third, pushed harder than sometimes in the middle third and found the hypnotic repetitiveness of the final third helped me judge my pace and effort well. I had to find a park bench to sit on at the end - not a common occurrence - and my legs are still hurting twelve hours later.

Wilson Kipsang delivered his end of the bargain too. I'm getting really keyed up for the Frankfurt Marathon already, I was getting unreasonably excited reading the updates on Wilson and co on the letsrun message boards...

115 miles for the week I think.

Four weeks til Frankfurt.

Saturday, 28 September 2013


10M am steady run

I ran a fairly steady ten miler in Zurich this morning, around a 1.2K wood-chip loop in a nearby park. I'll see if I can stomach more than double the distance around the same loop tomorrow.

Friday, 27 September 2013

'Medium-long' crescendo

14M medium-long crescendo

We are off to Zurich for the weekend, so I squeezed in just one run this morning early-early - a crescendo 14 miler. My legs didn't feel in the mood only 36 hours after my mile reps in Wednesday evening, but they warmed up by about mile four and I converted what felt like it was going to be a wash-out into a decent crescendo effort.

I think my hard medium-long runs on the way to work have been one of the big differences with my training this summer/autumn. Previously, they have always been the ones to suffer when I get tired at high mileage, probably because they are both mentally and physically tough and as a result hard to deliver on mod-week. This one was not as good as some of my recent ones, but it wasn't a bad effort.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two slow ones. The first one was through town as it was very early, very dark and very misty.

Mile reps

20M double; recovery run & mile rep session
6M am recovery run
14M pm incl 10x1M off 90s jog

My mile rep session was a blast from the past today - I ran it around Five Mile Drive Park, where I spent many an afternoon playing football and running (and not running) as a kid. Not a lot had changed, though I must be faster. The reps felt pretty good. The stitch did not return, which was a relief.

Monday, 23 September 2013

22 with surges (after three days off with a cold)

22M pm at 6.45min/M (0-4M); 6.00 (4-12M); 5.10/6.30 (alternating; 12-22M)

I've had three days off due to a cold - probably no coincidence after last week's race. Giving everything in a race leaves you pretty vulnerable immune system-wise I think.

Anyway, it was only a cold and only three days and I didn't feel like it had too much of a hangover effect today. I ran a long one along the river from North Oxford to (near) Abingdon and back. The first half was easy and then steady (6 min miling). The second half I ran alternate hard and steady miles on the way back. The first couple were really good. The next three were hampered by an intermittent stitch and the increasing darkness. But it was not a bad return after a few days off, so I won't grumble.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


12M am steady run

I only had time for one, slightly longer, steady run this morning. I ran along the river in Oxford from my parents' house to Iffley Lock and back via Godstow. I've got a bit of a sore throat, but nothing to stop this sort of run.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Ten mile reps

22M double; mile rep session & recovery run
15M am incl 10x1M off 90s jog
7M pm recovery run

My legs are back to normal surprisingly quickly after Sunday's race and I felt I was moving well in my mile reps this morning. Ten is a bit of a killer session, but I still had good rhythm at the end. They were Garmin-less, so it's hard to know my pace, but after my performance on Sunday I have greater confidence in the effectiveness of thg 'run-hard-by-feel' approach I've been taking to training (and racing).

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


17M double; steady run & recovery run
10M am steady run
7M pm recovery run

I held off on my session until tomorrow to recovery properly after Sunday. My calves were a little tighter this morning. But I should be fine by tomorrow.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Recovering... pretty well

14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I am still basking in the glow of satisfaction after yesterday's race and my legs are still full of running (and a bit of ache). I've had a happy day's running.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

66.51 at the Great North Run!

20M incl 13.1M in 66m51s (5.06min/M; 23rd)

Today was just one of those days when I knew it was going to click. My light-ish (90M including today) and day and a half rest meant my legs felt great. But it was the excitement of my surroundings that really did it.

I shamelessly got a snap of myself with Kenenisa as I pitched up at the start and felt like I needed to keep pinching myself during the warm-up. Farah heading off one way, Bekele running up and down (very slowly) on the same patch of road as me. And Haile doing the same plus having a sneaky piss by the side of the road.

I had to bite my lip to stop it trembling on the start line. Mo and Bekele got away freely but Haile was boxed in right in front of me for the first little bit. It was surreal. I had my Casio on me and looked at it a few times, but didn't really pay it much attention. I slowed fractionally after 800m or so to join a group with some guys I knew would be aiming for 65-67 pace (the group in front was already heading away and I didn't want to work to hard in the crosswind that we had at that stage.

The pace felt right. As usual, I struggled/fell back on each hill bit caught the pack again on the downs. By five miles (the highest part of the course), the group started to fragment and I was pushing at the front while we began to catch stragglers from the group ahead.

The splits are a bit hard to interpret because of the hills and changing wind, but I sped up from 10-15K (1st 2 5K splits roughly 16.00, 3rd was 15.40ish) and overall my 2nd half was faster than my first by 24 seconds. At eight to nine miles there was another hill and, though we were catching more stragglers and I was still moving well, the two remaining guys in my group pushed on and gained about 20 seconds on me over a couple of miles.

At 10 miles my split was 50.55 and I knew 66 minutes something was possible if I really pushed. Added to that carrot, I could see Meucci (European 10,000 Silver medalist) looming ahead. I passed him just after 11 miles and buried myself all the way to the finish, knowing I was keeping the pace up despite the arrival of the rain and the return of the crosswind (it had been behind us from about 6-10 miles).

As usual for me at the moment, I was left heaving from the effort as I crossed the line and fell on some convenient grass gently sobbing with delight. I would have been happy with 67-anything. 66.51  combined with the chance to meet (I chatted to him v briefly afterwards) and race Bekele was just magical.

I think I've written more than necessary. But I think in about ten years I will re-read this and still smile.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Rest ahead of the Great North Run

I hear it'll be stormy tomorrow for the race, bit I still suspect a PB is within reach. I feel in good shape. And my 10K PB came into horizontal hail and over hills last December. Plus, tomorrow's course is point-to-point and with luck the wind will be at least partly behind us.

It might be a bit confusing to pace, with the first mile fairly downhill, so I think I will revert to the watch-free, run by feel approach that I am more confident that I have mastered thanks to last year's cross-country successes.

More importantly in terms of what I think I can achieve, warming up and racing alongside Kenenisa Bekele (in particular) will give me such a rush, that it could be one of those days where I outperform my own expectations. I am SO excited. It's days like tomorrow that I dream of as I kill myself in training each week (but which I know could easily never have happened). There could be tears on the start line... (live on BBC1!)

Friday, 13 September 2013

Seven, slowly

7M am recovery run

A nice, gentle run in this morning. My legs are feeling up for the race already.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Two gentle sevens

14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I'm keeping it nice and light until Sunday now. My legs are feeling pretty good already. Hopefully they'll stay that way. Today, I ran to and from work the seven mile route via the Heath, Primrose Hill, Regent's Park etc.

I'm not sure how often I'll be on the same start list as Bekele, Gebresalassie and Farah, so I've been repeatedly admiring my name on Sunday's start list...

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Eight K reps

16M double; K rep session & recovery run
10M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
6M pm recovery run

I ran some more K reps on the grass loop in Regent's Park this morning. My legs are still feeling good and I managed to push pretty hard. I wanted to keep the volume fairly low to save myself for Sunday. It was probably about right.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


17M double; steady run & recovery run
10M am steady run
7M pm recovery run

My legs felt full of energy all day. Hopefully the week will continue like this and end with a PB...

Monday, 9 September 2013

More mile reps... on a Monday

16M double; recovery run & mile rep session
7M am recovery run
9M pm incl 6x1M off 90s jog

I ran a session this evening to get myself a day ahead of my usual schedule and therefore leave an extra day for pre-race recovery later in the week. I ran six good mile reps in Regent's Park on my way home (without my bag).

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Summary of week ending 08/09/2013

Mon 2/9 - 14M double; 7M recovery runs x2
Tue 3/9 - 20M double; 15M crescendo at 6.00-5.07 & 5M recov
Wed 4/9 - 14M double; 7M recovery runs x2
Thu 5/9 - 20M double; 15M steady run & 5M recovery run
Fri 6/9 - 23M double; 16M incl 10x1M off 90s jog & 7M recov
Sat 7/9 - 7M recovery run
Sun 8/9 - 22M steady
TOTAL - 120M

22 steady

22M steady

Ahead of the Great North Run next weekend, I held back on this one a bit. So enjoyable, just cruising along mulling things over.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Just 7

7M am recovery run

Nice and easy this morning. In refreshing light rain. And sun. In the Heath.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Another solid mile rep session

23M double; mile rep session & recovery urn
16M am incl 10x1M off 90s jog
7M pm recovery run

I really struggled to drag myself out of bed this morning for a pre-work session. I ended up running it along the Embankment. It turns out that it's about a mile between Blackfriars and Westminster, which meant I didn't need to keep an eye on my watch and let me focus on the running.

I felt pretty crappy on my first two reps and was wondering how many I'd manage, but once I got to five my legs had freed up nicely and I was bashing them out at a fairly even pace. My last one was a bit ropey after I'd pushed hard on my penultimate one to keep the times even. My legs were pretty stuffed all day and the evening run was SLOW.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


20M double; steady run & recovery run
15M am steady run
5M pm recovery run

A steady one early this morning, through the misty Heath mainly. My legs were tired this evening.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


14M double; recovery run x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two easy ones to and from work - well earned recovery.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

A good 15 mile crescendo run

20M double; medium-long crescendo run & recovery run
15M am crescendo at 7.30 (0-2M); 6 (3-5); 5.30 (6-10); 5.20 (10-13); 5.07 (14); 1M jog
5M pm recovery run

Another early morning session - my alarm went off at 5.30.

I felt pretty light-legged from the outset and though I felt the usual doubts as I started to raise the pace, I found I was hitting better speeds than on my previous runnings of this route. From mile 6 onwards I was at or under 5.30 and sustained 5.20 for miles 10-13 with enough in hand that the final mile was 5.07. Having said that, I did have to really push for the 5.07 and I was bent double and heaving on my empty stomach in front of the traffic on the Embankment at Temple when I stopped! Classy...

Monday, 2 September 2013


14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Two easy runs. My legs were heavy this morning. But not bad by the evening.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

22 mile crescendo run

22M am crescendo run

No Garmin (I forgot to charge it), but pleasingly fresh legs meant that I'll never know if this one was as good as it felt. I felt really fresh as I upped the pace and lengthened my stride over the last third of this one. It feels like my endurance is coming along really well. So long as my speed is up to scratch, I feel in the shape to aim for a PB at the Great North Run in two weeks.