4M pm recovery run at ~7.30min/M at 2300m
I managed a bit of sleep on the flight. I was collected at the airport by the driver for Running Across Borders - the club I am staying with and training with while I'm here.
Running Across Borders is a charity that aims to set young Ethiopian athletes up to make money from their talent. The group is made up of about 15 athletes, mainly men.
I am staying in an apartment owned by the organisation. I am being hosted by Gudisa (above, in the apartment), a 19 year old who seems pretty speedy: 10K PB 29.40 at 2300m altitude... He also has great English and will be my shadow it seems while I'm here. At the apartment we also have a cook (Meseret). The food seems good so far: bread, eggs, pasta and rice have all featured so far.
We went for a gentle run this evening. Didn't seem to bad. I was more out of breath than usual, but nothing terrible. We ran straight from our front door off into the hills above the city. It's a great location.
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