This blog is mainly to help me and Ron (my fabulous coach) keep track of what is going on in my training. Good days. Bad days. Successes and failures. Aches and pains. That sort of thing. But please come visit once in a while to see how we're getting on!

Thursday, 31 July 2014

A good number of morning tempo miles

22M double; medium-long tempo & recovery runs
15M am incl miles 3-14 at tempo
7M pm recovery run

I managed to squeeze in a good 'medium-long' tempo run before work today. I ran it in effort rather than with my Garmin, bit I think not was pretty good. I'll wake up the Garmin at the weekend... My legs were in a state all day.

My evening run wasn't bad.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

Two easy ones today. My legs were a bit heavy this evening, but not too terrible.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Really good, afternoon mile reps

18M double; recovery run & mile rep session
7M am recovery run
11M pm incl 6x1M off 90s-3min jog

I ran an afternoon rep session today for the first time in ages. It felt so different. Really positive, and easier to properly lay into them. I'll have to try to change my daily routine a bit to fit more in.

Monday, 28 July 2014

12, easy

12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

My morning run felt like treacle today. I was just about getting going towards the end, but was glad I had time in hand to get to work. I was a bit better by the evening.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Summary of week ending 27/07/2014



27M am steady long run

I felt amazing on this run. I could/should probably have run a good deal faster, but didn't like to push my luck. It was probably all at 6.30-6.40 pace, but my legs felt as better in the final few miles than at the beginning. A good end to what ended up being a half-acceptable week. I'm going to start adding speed to my long runs now. My legs have the endurance.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


13M double; steady run & recovery run
8M am (mainly) steady run
5M pm recovery run

I ran a nice little eight miler around the Heath a bit before lunchtime today - bumped into a Black Heath guy which sped things up a little while we talked. My evening run was a useful way of getting home after picking up my new specs on Oxford Street (after a Gelupo ice cream).

Friday, 25 July 2014

A good double via Romford

27M double; mile rep session & long run
9M am incl 6x1M hard off 90s jog with a pack
18M pm steady with pack

I had clinic in Romford and tried to make up for the rubbish running week I've had by running hard. It's always hard to make a pack-laden rep session that good, but at least it was a session.

On the way home, I decided not to fanny around with the train from Stratford and just run the whole way from Romford home. It's hard going with the pack, but the entertainment of getting completely drenched in the second half when the heavens 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

More recovery

7M double; recovery runs x2
4M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

More nursery duties. Two more short runs.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Nursery duties meant I could only run v short ones today. But I'm better.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A little run home

3M pm recovery run

I ran gently home today to get Hana. I'm still feeling well below what I'd want to unleash on a session.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Ill again - grr

I felt like crap today (and last night). At first, I thought it was heat stroke or something else to do with my not very hot, not very fast long run yesterday. Anyway, it was a virus. Sore throat. Temperature. But not very bad. I should be running tomorrow or Wednesday a the latest.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Summary of week ending 20/07/2014

TOTAL = 102M

A steady marathon

26.2M am in 3hrs

I ran a marathon this morning at a steady pace - 3 hours including a loo break and a lucozade break.That's a bit faster than 6.50 pace, depending on how long I stopped for. It felt fine. My legs were only a little tired towards the end, but not really tight.

Saturday, 19 July 2014


7M am recovery run

Just seven around the Heath in the refreshing rain.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Baking hot afternoon tempo running

17M double; recovery run & tempo run
7M am recovery run
10M pm incl miles 2-9 hard

I wimped out of running a hill rep session in the thunder and lightning this morning and was left instead with the option of running a session in the blazing later afternoon heat. It turned out to be not quite as bad as I had expected, partly thanks to a brief dunk under a water fountain in Regent's Park. I ran home taking the roads around the top of the Heath, jogging the first and last miles.

Thursday, 17 July 2014


12M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

Nothing flashy, just recovery runs today.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Good, medium-long tempo

16M double; K reps & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K hard
7M pm recovery run

I ran another decent but not spectacular K rep session around the Regent's Park grass look this morning on my way to work.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Back running

14M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
7M pm recovery run

I managed two decent length easy runs today. I'm feeling better, but need to get going with some decent training.

Monday, 14 July 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Two easy ones.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Feeling crap

I didn't run today, I feel like something is brewing...

Saturday, 12 July 2014


7M am recovery run

Just one easy one around the heath today.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Longer tempo

22M double; medium-long tempo & recovery run
15M am incl miles 2-14 hard
7M pm recovery run

I ran my full length 'medium-long' tempo run finally this morning. I ran it untimed again, but felt like I got moveing well and feel like I'm getting close to some decent fitness now.

Thursday, 10 July 2014


17M double; steady run & recovery run
10M am steady
7M pm recovery run

I feel like this week is getting somewhere. Decent miles. I just need some harder ones now.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

K reps

14M double; K reps & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
5M pm recovery run

I ran a half decent K rep session around the grass look in Regent's Park this morning before the heat really got going. Still, I was sweaty as hell.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Easy again

12M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
5M pm recovery run

No time for hard running. Tomorrow morning.

Monday, 7 July 2014


10M double; recovery runs x2
7M am recovery run
3M recovery run

Two easy ones, the second one just straight home.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Eighteen with the buggy

15M pm steady long run with buggy
3M pm easy with buggy

I was on baby duty all day, so took Hana with me on my long run... she seemed not to mind too much. I ran in around the Heath (two six mile loops) and Regent's Park, before an early pizza dinner at Franco Manca.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Just seven

7M am recovery/steady run

I just ran once today, around the Heath. I ran parts with a bit more spead, but it was mainly fairly slow.

Friday, 4 July 2014

K reps

12M double; K rep session & recovery run
9M am incl 8x1K off 90s jog
3M pm recovery run

I managed a pretty good K rep session before work this morning in Regent's Park. I'd like to run more of my sessions in the evenings, but the warm weather probably helps me get the most out of them.

I was so sweaty after my easy run this evening.

Thursday, 3 July 2014


8M double; recovery runs x2
5M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Just easy running today.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Longish tempo again

17M double; tempo run & easy run
13M am incl 9M hard (2M-11M)
4M pm recovery run

I ran the same tempo session as a couple of weeks ago this morning. Both were un-timed, but this one felt less speedy in the early stages. My legs took a while to wake up.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Easy again

6M double; recovery runs x2
3M am recovery run
3M pm recovery run

Just easy today. Busy.