Sunday, 31 October 2010
Rest... day 2
Much better yesterday and this morning. No pain. Was very tempted to go for a run this morning, but controlled myself. Will have to think about how long I give it.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Felt strange not running. First day off in 2 months. Hip pretty good, but could just about feel it in the morning.
Friday, 29 October 2010
Just 6... and now some rest
6M - recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Just a gentle one this morning. Felt quite tired after last night's exertions. My hip wasn't bad, but cold still feel it. It's improving now, but it has been a week. I decided that I shouldn't race this weekend. Probably wise. Probably even wiser is Ron's advice to give myself complete rest for a bit. He suggests a week. Which seems a long time. But the marathon isn't for 6 months, so perhaps I should calm down.
Just a gentle one this morning. Felt quite tired after last night's exertions. My hip wasn't bad, but cold still feel it. It's improving now, but it has been a week. I decided that I shouldn't race this weekend. Probably wise. Probably even wiser is Ron's advice to give myself complete rest for a bit. He suggests a week. Which seems a long time. But the marathon isn't for 6 months, so perhaps I should calm down.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
On the up
16M - double; recovery and mile reps
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
10M pm mile rep session at 5.15-7.00min/M
Better again today, but I'm going to leave it to the morning to make a final decision on racing this weekend. Last night I was in a bit of pain after (rather than during) my run. But this morning I felt great running in, just a bit of tightness.
I was similar in the evening. I could comfortably get up to race speed and again just felt my hip a bit tight rather than anything else. I'll see how it responds overnight and on my morning run. I'm pretty pleased with progress as things stand though.
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
10M pm mile rep session at 5.15-7.00min/M
Better again today, but I'm going to leave it to the morning to make a final decision on racing this weekend. Last night I was in a bit of pain after (rather than during) my run. But this morning I felt great running in, just a bit of tightness.
I was similar in the evening. I could comfortably get up to race speed and again just felt my hip a bit tight rather than anything else. I'll see how it responds overnight and on my morning run. I'm pretty pleased with progress as things stand though.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Just 6
6M - recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
I was going to do 12 this evening, but thought I'd hold back while the going was good. My hip was better again, bit still not back to normal. I'm going to decide tomorrow whether I'm up to racing this weekend.
No non-hip niggles.
I was going to do 12 this evening, but thought I'd hold back while the going was good. My hip was better again, bit still not back to normal. I'm going to decide tomorrow whether I'm up to racing this weekend.
No non-hip niggles.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Better - with some speed
15M - double; recovery and mile reps
5M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
10M pm mile rep session at 5.20-7.00min/M
Just a gentle one this morning. My hip was quite sore like yesterday morning, but it settled down during the day.
My evening run was much better. My best run since before the hip started playing up. I took it a little easy at the beginning, alternating fast and slow miles. The fast miles came in at 5.40, 5.40, 5.30, 5.20 and 5.20min/M. The first three were with my pack. The last two felt the best. I felt confident pushing off on my bad hip.
5M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
10M pm mile rep session at 5.20-7.00min/M
Just a gentle one this morning. My hip was quite sore like yesterday morning, but it settled down during the day.
My evening run was much better. My best run since before the hip started playing up. I took it a little easy at the beginning, alternating fast and slow miles. The fast miles came in at 5.40, 5.40, 5.30, 5.20 and 5.20min/M. The first three were with my pack. The last two felt the best. I felt confident pushing off on my bad hip.
Monday, 25 October 2010
A mixture
12M - double; recover and general aerobic
4M am recovery run at ~6.30min/M with pack
8M pm general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
A couple of gentle-ish runs today. My hip was not good this morning. Pretty painful. But it improved a lot and was better than yesterday by the evening. A bit confusing, bit hopefully it's on the up. I think I was feeling the bruise from my over-massage as much as anything.
4M am recovery run at ~6.30min/M with pack
8M pm general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
A couple of gentle-ish runs today. My hip was not good this morning. Pretty painful. But it improved a lot and was better than yesterday by the evening. A bit confusing, bit hopefully it's on the up. I think I was feeling the bruise from my over-massage as much as anything.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Summary of week ending 24/10/10

Mon 18/10 - 12M; double 6M recovery runs at 6.00 and 6.15min/M
Tue 19/10 - 11M; double recovery runs 6&5M at ~6.15min/M with pack
Wed 20/10 - 8M speed (incl 5x1M at 5.15-5.30min/M with pack)
Thu 21/10 - 12M; double 6M recovery runs at ~6.15min/M with pack
Fri 22/10 - 4M recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Sat 23/10 - 6M recovery run at ~6.15min/M
Sun 24/10 - 20M long run at ~6.15min/M
Much better and 20 miles
20M - long run at ~6.15min/M
I went and saw Jamie first thing and felt my troublesome hip much looser immediately. Perhaps unwisely, I then nipped out for a 20 miler round Port Meadow. I'm a bit bruised after a bit much self massage yesterday, so I was in pain from my hip. But Jamie seemed to have done quite a trick on the spasm and I was as good at mile 20 as mile 2. And after the run I continued to feel good and loose. Hopefully I'm through the worst without much disruption.
I went and saw Jamie first thing and felt my troublesome hip much looser immediately. Perhaps unwisely, I then nipped out for a 20 miler round Port Meadow. I'm a bit bruised after a bit much self massage yesterday, so I was in pain from my hip. But Jamie seemed to have done quite a trick on the spasm and I was as good at mile 20 as mile 2. And after the run I continued to feel good and loose. Hopefully I'm through the worst without much disruption.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Just six
6M - recovery run at ~6.15min/M
My tensor fascia lata is still in spasm. No long term problem I don't think, just in need of massage and perhaps a slightly reduced intensity of training. I spent quite a lot of the day - perhaps too much - massaging it with a tennis ball. It was still tightish by the time I went for an evening run into the centre if Oxford and back. And I could still feel it running. I'll go get myself a bit of Jamie Dearing osteopathy in the morning.
My tensor fascia lata is still in spasm. No long term problem I don't think, just in need of massage and perhaps a slightly reduced intensity of training. I spent quite a lot of the day - perhaps too much - massaging it with a tennis ball. It was still tightish by the time I went for an evening run into the centre if Oxford and back. And I could still feel it running. I'll go get myself a bit of Jamie Dearing osteopathy in the morning.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Just 4
4M recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
I took it easy today. And perhaps should have skipped the run altogether. My hip pain/spasm was worse if anything. Wouldn't stop me running, but might hinder speed work. Will massage it and stretch it and try to get back on track tomorrow.
I took it easy today. And perhaps should have skipped the run altogether. My hip pain/spasm was worse if anything. Wouldn't stop me running, but might hinder speed work. Will massage it and stretch it and try to get back on track tomorrow.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Two recovery runs
12M - double; recovery runs x 2
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Just a couple of gentle runs today. Calf better. Heel the same. But nothing dramatic in the morning. On the evening run my tensor fascia lata muscle over my left hip was painful/in spasm. I had the same thing after the marathon. But can't see why I've got it today. Will need some massage with a tennis ball. Hope it won't disrupt things.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Just a couple of gentle runs today. Calf better. Heel the same. But nothing dramatic in the morning. On the evening run my tensor fascia lata muscle over my left hip was painful/in spasm. I had the same thing after the marathon. But can't see why I've got it today. Will need some massage with a tennis ball. Hope it won't disrupt things.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Some mile reps
8M - VO2 max session incl 5x1M at 5.15-5.30min/M with heavy pack
Just one run today. A solid mile rep session home from work with a heavy load on my back (shopping for dinner mainly. I did five mile reps at between 5.15 and 5.30min/M pace with 3 minutes jog recovery between them. I felt pretty strong and bouncy despite the pack and the race.
Just one run today. A solid mile rep session home from work with a heavy load on my back (shopping for dinner mainly. I did five mile reps at between 5.15 and 5.30min/M pace with 3 minutes jog recovery between them. I felt pretty strong and bouncy despite the pack and the race.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
More recovery
11M - double; recovery run x2
6M am recovery run at ~6.15 min/M with pack
5M am recovery run at ~6.15 min/M with pack
Felt more tired if anything today. Right lower calf/soleus muscle a bit tight, as it has been after the last couple of races. Not sure what it is. Part standard post-race ache, part underlying niggle?
Cardiff Half Marathon confirmed that the course was 0.12M (193 metres) short. Last minute change of route at 10ish miles for safety reasons apparently. Annoying. And means I won't count it as a PB (though the time is still equivalent to 69.04, which I would take happily!) I'll just have to harness my annoyance to strip another chunk off my time in next month's Gosport Half Marathon.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15 min/M with pack
5M am recovery run at ~6.15 min/M with pack
Felt more tired if anything today. Right lower calf/soleus muscle a bit tight, as it has been after the last couple of races. Not sure what it is. Part standard post-race ache, part underlying niggle?
Cardiff Half Marathon confirmed that the course was 0.12M (193 metres) short. Last minute change of route at 10ish miles for safety reasons apparently. Annoying. And means I won't count it as a PB (though the time is still equivalent to 69.04, which I would take happily!) I'll just have to harness my annoyance to strip another chunk off my time in next month's Gosport Half Marathon.
Monday, 18 October 2010
12 recovery miles and some exercises
12M - double; recovery runs x2 and 1hr exercises
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises
I felt surprisingly good this morning. None of the general tiredness I felt 10 days or so ago. Just a bit of that tightness in my lower calves, and particularly my right. Nos sure why that is. Not a problem once I was up and running though.
I had plenty of spring on my evening run and again for my exercises last thing.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises
I felt surprisingly good this morning. None of the general tiredness I felt 10 days or so ago. Just a bit of that tightness in my lower calves, and particularly my right. Nos sure why that is. Not a problem once I was up and running though.
I had plenty of spring on my evening run and again for my exercises last thing.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Summary of week ending 17/10/10

Mon 11/10 - 12M double; recovery runs x2 at 6.15min/M with pack
Tue 12/10 - 11M double; speed (incl 6x1K at 5.15min/M) and recovery run
Wed 13/10 - 9M general aerobic at ~6.00min/M
Thu 14/10 - 8M recovery run at ~6.15min/M
Fri 15/10 - 6M recovery run at ~6.15min/M
Sat 16/10 - 4M recovery run at 6.15min/M
Sun 17/10 - 14M incl Cardiff Half Marathon at 5.16min/M
A cracking half marathon PB!... or not?
14M - incl Cardiff Half Marathon in 68.26 (14th; 5.13min/M)*
*hmm... I hear now that the course may have been 150-200m short, meaning I might have snuck under 69, but I shouldn't count this as my PB. Grr.
I am dead chuffed with this [whether or not it was short]. I was pretty up for the race - and had my cousins camped at 5 miles to speed me up too. It's a healthy 3 minutes faster than the PB I set a month ago in Greenwich and 5 and a half faster than my previous best. Psychologically, it's great to be getting close to 5 minute miles. I set off at 5.10min/M and was on my own in about 12th until a group swallowed me at 6 miles. I then stuck with them and kept pretty even pace with a few surges to the end. I'll be stiff tomorrow - the last 3 miles were HARD.
The time [if it counts] gives me entry to the elite section of the Great South Run next weekend (if there's time). It's an IAAF Ranked 10 mile race and should be fast. It'd be nice to get close to 50 minutes if my legs are ready. I went through 10 in 52min20ish today.
*hmm... I hear now that the course may have been 150-200m short, meaning I might have snuck under 69, but I shouldn't count this as my PB. Grr.
I am dead chuffed with this [whether or not it was short]. I was pretty up for the race - and had my cousins camped at 5 miles to speed me up too. It's a healthy 3 minutes faster than the PB I set a month ago in Greenwich and 5 and a half faster than my previous best. Psychologically, it's great to be getting close to 5 minute miles. I set off at 5.10min/M and was on my own in about 12th until a group swallowed me at 6 miles. I then stuck with them and kept pretty even pace with a few surges to the end. I'll be stiff tomorrow - the last 3 miles were HARD.
The time [if it counts] gives me entry to the elite section of the Great South Run next weekend (if there's time). It's an IAAF Ranked 10 mile race and should be fast. It'd be nice to get close to 50 minutes if my legs are ready. I went through 10 in 52min20ish today.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Four gentle ones
4M - recovery run at ~6.15min/M
Just four nice gentle miles by Port Meadow this morning. Legs are feeling good for tomorrow.
Just four nice gentle miles by Port Meadow this morning. Legs are feeling good for tomorrow.
Friday, 15 October 2010
6M - recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Back to the Thames for a gentle one this morning. Psyching up and easing down for Cardiff. Felt fresh today.
Back to the Thames for a gentle one this morning. Psyching up and easing down for Cardiff. Felt fresh today.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Just an 8 miler
8M - general aerobic at ~6.00min/M
Just 8 miles along the Rochdale Canal this morning. No dramas. Heel hurt for the first mile again, but was fine after that. Feeling fresher and looking forward to Sunday's race.
Just 8 miles along the Rochdale Canal this morning. No dramas. Heel hurt for the first mile again, but was fine after that. Feeling fresher and looking forward to Sunday's race.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
A good 9 miler
9M - general aerobic at ~6.00min/M
A good 9 miler this morning along the canal past Old Trafford in my gloves - feeling good and bouncy. Back to how I was a couple of weeks ago. No stiffness in my calves and no niggles other than a bit of soreness in my left heel for the first few minutes.
A good 9 miler this morning along the canal past Old Trafford in my gloves - feeling good and bouncy. Back to how I was a couple of weeks ago. No stiffness in my calves and no niggles other than a bit of soreness in my left heel for the first few minutes.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
A bit of speed and some recovery
11M - double; VO2 max and recovery run
7M am incl 6x1K at 5.15
4M pm recovery run
I shan't do too many doubles this week to make sure I'm up to full speed for the race in Sunday. I ran a sharpening 6x1K first up and felt ok at 5.15-5.30 along the towpath past Old Trafford. Feeling stronger today.
Added a short one mid-afternoon during a hiatus. Sunglasses and gloves weather.
7M am incl 6x1K at 5.15
4M pm recovery run
I shan't do too many doubles this week to make sure I'm up to full speed for the race in Sunday. I ran a sharpening 6x1K first up and felt ok at 5.15-5.30 along the towpath past Old Trafford. Feeling stronger today.
Added a short one mid-afternoon during a hiatus. Sunglasses and gloves weather.
Monday, 11 October 2010
A couple of recovery runs
12M - double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Just a couple of nice gentle ones in the sun today. More energy in the legs than for a while. Off to Manchester now for a few days. Looking forward to some canal-side running.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Just a couple of nice gentle ones in the sun today. More energy in the legs than for a while. Off to Manchester now for a few days. Looking forward to some canal-side running.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Summary of week ending 10/10/10

Mon 4/10 - 12M + 1hr ex; double; 6M recovery x2 at 6.15, 6.00
Tue 5/10 - 17M; double; 6M recovery; 11M speed incl 20x400m (68-71s) off 45s
Wed 6/10 - 16M + 1hr ex; double; 10M gen aerobic and 6M recovery at 6.00
Thu 7/10 - 6M speed incl 3x6x100m and 3x1M at 6.45, 5.52, 5.23
Fri 8/10 - 12M; double; 6M recovery x2 at 6.15 and 6.00
Sat 9/10 - 13M; double; 4M recovery at 6.30 and 9M incl 5M x-country race
Sun 10/10 - 11M + 1hr ex; 11M general aerobic at 6.15min/M
TOTAL - 87M + 3hr exercises
11 miles and some exercises
11M - general aerobic run at ~6.15min/M and 1hr exercises
I took it relatively easy today after a tiring week and a hard (feeling) race yesterday. It was a good experience, and something to improve upon. I've also got an eye on next weekend's Cardiff Half Marathon. It'd be great to beat my (new) PB by a chunk, and ideally edge under 70 minutes. We'll see.
My legs were still a little tired this morning, but better than yesterday (despite the race) and I had no aches. I took it steady on my 11 miler round Brockwell and Dulwich Parks. Homemade drop scones as a reward afterwards.
I also fitted in some latenight exercises before bed. I'm off to Manchester for a few days and won't be taking my weights, so I thought it best to fit it in now!
I took it relatively easy today after a tiring week and a hard (feeling) race yesterday. It was a good experience, and something to improve upon. I've also got an eye on next weekend's Cardiff Half Marathon. It'd be great to beat my (new) PB by a chunk, and ideally edge under 70 minutes. We'll see.
My legs were still a little tired this morning, but better than yesterday (despite the race) and I had no aches. I took it steady on my 11 miler round Brockwell and Dulwich Parks. Homemade drop scones as a reward afterwards.
I also fitted in some latenight exercises before bed. I'm off to Manchester for a few days and won't be taking my weights, so I thought it best to fit it in now!
Saturday, 9 October 2010
A poor performance (I think), but good training
13M - double; recovery run and x-country race
4M am recovery run at ~6.30min/M
9M pm incl 5M x-country race (31st/340ish; 27min 39s; ~5.30min/M)
I felt much less tired this morning on my gentle pre-race recovery run. I'm not quite sure what to think about the race. Psychologically, it felt like a poor performance. I was the 4th fastest from the club and lost about 10 places in the last 2/3rds of the race after going a bit hard at the beginning. My heavyish / tired week may have played a part too - not sure.
I was completely spent at the end, and to be honest was in trouble after the first mile and a half. My arms were full of lactic acid and I felt like I was going to fall over on the steep downhill section on each of the three laps. Still, it was a great training session - a full blown tempo run. And I'll sure it'll help my performance next week in Cardiff.
One bonus: I beat a world champion! Ronnie O'Sullivan. He's a very good runner. I'll leave him be on the snooker front for now.
4M am recovery run at ~6.30min/M
9M pm incl 5M x-country race (31st/340ish; 27min 39s; ~5.30min/M)
I felt much less tired this morning on my gentle pre-race recovery run. I'm not quite sure what to think about the race. Psychologically, it felt like a poor performance. I was the 4th fastest from the club and lost about 10 places in the last 2/3rds of the race after going a bit hard at the beginning. My heavyish / tired week may have played a part too - not sure.
I was completely spent at the end, and to be honest was in trouble after the first mile and a half. My arms were full of lactic acid and I felt like I was going to fall over on the steep downhill section on each of the three laps. Still, it was a great training session - a full blown tempo run. And I'll sure it'll help my performance next week in Cardiff.
One bonus: I beat a world champion! Ronnie O'Sullivan. He's a very good runner. I'll leave him be on the snooker front for now.
Friday, 8 October 2010
A couple of gentle ones and a Team Scott dinner
12M - double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
Just a couple of gentle/recovery runs today. The last 3 days have felt quite hard and it was nice just to tootle along. In the morning I felt particularly tired - my upper quads. And I felt fairly washed out all day walking the corridors at work. But as soon as I got going on the way home I felt springy and fantastic. Weird.
Three members of Team Scott joined me for a nice dinner at 1a Launceston to spend my £200 winnings from Run to the Beat. Tasty.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
Just a couple of gentle/recovery runs today. The last 3 days have felt quite hard and it was nice just to tootle along. In the morning I felt particularly tired - my upper quads. And I felt fairly washed out all day walking the corridors at work. But as soon as I got going on the way home I felt springy and fantastic. Weird.
Three members of Team Scott joined me for a nice dinner at 1a Launceston to spend my £200 winnings from Run to the Beat. Tasty.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Just some speed
6M - speed work incl 3x6x100m and 3x1M at 6.45, 5.52 and 5.23min/M
No time for anything this morning - off to Cambridge for a meeting. But I got back in time to manage some of my speed session in the light in Battersea. I ended up running a bit more than 100m per rep I think - either that or it was into the wind. But it felt pretty good. And the mile reps were good too. 6.45 felt very comfortable, 5.52 didn't feel like a push and I could have gone a fair bit faster than 5.23 despite a head wind and the route having a switchback.
I was feeling fairly tired in my upper quads all day and was still tired before I started, but got going pretty well and by the end was feeling bouncy.
No time for anything this morning - off to Cambridge for a meeting. But I got back in time to manage some of my speed session in the light in Battersea. I ended up running a bit more than 100m per rep I think - either that or it was into the wind. But it felt pretty good. And the mile reps were good too. 6.45 felt very comfortable, 5.52 didn't feel like a push and I could have gone a fair bit faster than 5.23 despite a head wind and the route having a switchback.
I was feeling fairly tired in my upper quads all day and was still tired before I started, but got going pretty well and by the end was feeling bouncy.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
A solid day
16M - double; general aerobic & recovery runs & 1hr exercises
10M am general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises
A solid day. I was only timetabled to run once today, but won't fit in two tomorrow, so squeezed in a couple in compensation. I wondered if I'd be a bit tired this morning for my 10, but warmed up nicely. I felt a bit sluggish in my upper quads and a bit tight again in my lower calves (soleuses), but nothing much really.
I was looser by the evening and felt ok on my evening run and during my Newsnight-accompanying exercises.
10M am general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises
A solid day. I was only timetabled to run once today, but won't fit in two tomorrow, so squeezed in a couple in compensation. I wondered if I'd be a bit tired this morning for my 10, but warmed up nicely. I felt a bit sluggish in my upper quads and a bit tight again in my lower calves (soleuses), but nothing much really.
I was looser by the evening and felt ok on my evening run and during my Newsnight-accompanying exercises.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
A cracking day with some track
17M - double; recovery and speed session
6M am recovery run at ~5.50min/M with pack
11M pm including 20x400m at 68-71s with 45s recovery
Cracking day! Overslept this morning, so a fastish run in this morning. Still managed 6 miles, breakfast and shower without being (more than 5 mins) late for my meeting first up.
Ran gently to the track, then joined in a great session. There were 6 or 7 of us doing 400s with 45s recovery, aiming for 12-16. I was about 2/3rds of the way down the pack once I settled at ~70s laps. The recovery the Harriers take still feels v short to me. I'm used to 3 or 4 times this rest, but looking back at my times, I'm doing similar splits now to my park reps.
When we hit 16 reps I was ready to stop but Henry suggested 4 more. He and I managed to squeeze them out, and I maintained an even set of splits. 2 mile warm down also good.
6M am recovery run at ~5.50min/M with pack
11M pm including 20x400m at 68-71s with 45s recovery
Cracking day! Overslept this morning, so a fastish run in this morning. Still managed 6 miles, breakfast and shower without being (more than 5 mins) late for my meeting first up.
Ran gently to the track, then joined in a great session. There were 6 or 7 of us doing 400s with 45s recovery, aiming for 12-16. I was about 2/3rds of the way down the pack once I settled at ~70s laps. The recovery the Harriers take still feels v short to me. I'm used to 3 or 4 times this rest, but looking back at my times, I'm doing similar splits now to my park reps.
When we hit 16 reps I was ready to stop but Henry suggested 4 more. He and I managed to squeeze them out, and I maintained an even set of splits. 2 mile warm down also good.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Some recovery
12M - double; recovery runs x2 and 1hr exercises
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises
Just a couple of recovery runs today. Legs were a little heavy at the beginning of my morning run, but I picked up nicely. And by the evening I was feeling springy (but hungry - bit of a busy day).
Weighed in at 60.1kg (9st 6lb) this morning. Pretty much what I arrived back from India at. The scales say 7.9% fat and 52kg muscle for what it's worth.
Managed an hour of exercises in front of Newsnight this evening before pudding. First time in a week or so.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
6M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises
Just a couple of recovery runs today. Legs were a little heavy at the beginning of my morning run, but I picked up nicely. And by the evening I was feeling springy (but hungry - bit of a busy day).
Weighed in at 60.1kg (9st 6lb) this morning. Pretty much what I arrived back from India at. The scales say 7.9% fat and 52kg muscle for what it's worth.
Managed an hour of exercises in front of Newsnight this evening before pudding. First time in a week or so.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Summary of week ending 03/10/10

Mon 27/9 - 6M recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Tue 28/9 - 15M double; 6M recovery at ~6.15 & 9M speed incl 8x600m at 105-108s
Wed 29/9 - 14M double; 10M gen aerobic at ~6.00 & 4M recovery at ~6.15 w pack
Thu 30/9 - 11M double; 7M speed incl 3x6x100m, 3x1M & 4M tempo at 5.45 w pack
Fri 1/10 - 12M double; 2x6M recovery runs at ~6.15 with pack
Sat 2/10 - 8M double; 3.5M recovery at ~8.00 & 4.5M incl 2.25M race at ~5.38
Sun 3/10 - 15M long run at ~5.55
Long run
15M - long run at 5.55min/M
A not-too-arduous long run around Hyde Park today. My legs were a little heavy after yesterday's speed, but soon loosened up. I was keen not to completely nail myself after upping my miles a little this week compared to the last couple of months.
I aimed to start at 6.15min/M and build. But, as usual, I tended to end up a bit more eager than that. I ran the first half in about 6.05min/M and then upped it to about 5.50min/M for the second half. I felt good.
A not-too-arduous long run around Hyde Park today. My legs were a little heavy after yesterday's speed, but soon loosened up. I was keen not to completely nail myself after upping my miles a little this week compared to the last couple of months.
I aimed to start at 6.15min/M and build. But, as usual, I tended to end up a bit more eager than that. I ran the first half in about 6.05min/M and then upped it to about 5.50min/M for the second half. I felt good.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
A little relay race
8M - double; recovery run & x-country race
3.5M am recovery run at ~8.00min/M
4.5M pm incl 2.25M Horsenden Hill relay race (12m43s)
Just a gentle loosened this morning with Yasmin round Brockwell Park in preparation for this afternoon's race.
I ran the 4th leg and struggled again a bit to know the right pace. But, placed 7th, I had a few people to target and managed to get us up to 3rd with a leg time only 25s off the day's fastest. I'm sure these races will be good for my basic speed and I should get stronger over the shorter races. Felt pretty good this evening. Calf 100% now.
Found out yesterday that I won £200 for my 4th place in Run to the Beat!
3.5M am recovery run at ~8.00min/M
4.5M pm incl 2.25M Horsenden Hill relay race (12m43s)
Just a gentle loosened this morning with Yasmin round Brockwell Park in preparation for this afternoon's race.
I ran the 4th leg and struggled again a bit to know the right pace. But, placed 7th, I had a few people to target and managed to get us up to 3rd with a leg time only 25s off the day's fastest. I'm sure these races will be good for my basic speed and I should get stronger over the shorter races. Felt pretty good this evening. Calf 100% now.
Found out yesterday that I won £200 for my 4th place in Run to the Beat!
Friday, 1 October 2010
A recovery day
12M - double; recovery runs x2
6M am at ~6.30min/M with pack
6M pm at ~6.30min/M with pack
I took it easy today. Two nice and slow ones to and from work. Calf better. Hip flexors and adductors a bit sore after yesterdays sprints. Haven't done that session on a few weeks.
Another cross-country relay race tomorrow.
6M am at ~6.30min/M with pack
6M pm at ~6.30min/M with pack
I took it easy today. Two nice and slow ones to and from work. Calf better. Hip flexors and adductors a bit sore after yesterdays sprints. Haven't done that session on a few weeks.
Another cross-country relay race tomorrow.
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