11M - double; speed and tempo
7M am speed session incl 3x6x100m and 3x1M at 7.00, 6.00, 5.25min/M with pack
4M pm tempo(ish) run at ~5.45min/M with pack
A fairly swift day today. I managed to fit in my 3x6x100m sprint session on the way to work this morning without too much difficulty. The main thing was to pick a stretch for each sprint that avoided downhills. I felt comfortable holding the miles at a decent pace. Calf was a little achy, but nothing dramatic.
I wasn't planning a tempo run this evening, but was forced into something fairly swift because I left too late and had to get back in time to cook dinner with friends. My calves felt fine. So did I.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
14 enjoyable miles
14M - double; general aerobic & recovery
10M am general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
4M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
A fairly gentle day today. A gentle cruise around Battersea Park and then along the river to work this morning. Nothing dramatic. Felt nice. Calf almost back to normal. Then just a gentle four miles to Pimlico from London Bridge in the evening - wasn't really planning this, but found myself tempted. And running does seem to be my best means of transport nowadays, so long as there's a shower at the far end.
10M am general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
4M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
A fairly gentle day today. A gentle cruise around Battersea Park and then along the river to work this morning. Nothing dramatic. Felt nice. Calf almost back to normal. Then just a gentle four miles to Pimlico from London Bridge in the evening - wasn't really planning this, but found myself tempted. And running does seem to be my best means of transport nowadays, so long as there's a shower at the far end.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
A solid set of 600m reps
15M - double; recovery run and speed session
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M
9M pm incl 8x600m (105-108s) with 200m (75s) jog recovery
A good day. My right calf was better this morning, but not perfect. I had a great gentle one along the river to work. A real spring in my step. Psychological more than anything.
I ran the 4ish miles from work to Parliament Hill track for a speed session in the evening. I was slightly unsure how much I should do, but am on a real running high and couldn't resist. There was a good bunch of us out and I found I could cope better than I expected. I felt pretty strong, though I could really feel it form rep 4. The rest of the guys did 10, but I stopped at 8 on the advice of Jack (the coach) to avoid risk of injury.
A more gentle day tomorrow.
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M
9M pm incl 8x600m (105-108s) with 200m (75s) jog recovery
A good day. My right calf was better this morning, but not perfect. I had a great gentle one along the river to work. A real spring in my step. Psychological more than anything.
I ran the 4ish miles from work to Parliament Hill track for a speed session in the evening. I was slightly unsure how much I should do, but am on a real running high and couldn't resist. There was a good bunch of us out and I found I could cope better than I expected. I felt pretty strong, though I could really feel it form rep 4. The rest of the guys did 10, but I stopped at 8 on the advice of Jack (the coach) to avoid risk of injury.
A more gentle day tomorrow.
Monday, 27 September 2010
A sneaky late night 6
6M - recovery run at ~6.00min/M
A bit of a busy day. Out from 6 til late, but couldn't resist a sneaky late night spin along the river to dissipate the post-race twitchiness in my legs! I felt pretty ok. My calves (especially the right) are a bit tight and my quads are a bit off, but I'll be good tomorrow. Ready for a track session with the Harriers.
A bit of a busy day. Out from 6 til late, but couldn't resist a sneaky late night spin along the river to dissipate the post-race twitchiness in my legs! I felt pretty ok. My calves (especially the right) are a bit tight and my quads are a bit off, but I'll be good tomorrow. Ready for a track session with the Harriers.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Summary of week ending 26/09/10

Mon 20/9 - 10M and 1hr exercises; double; recovery runs 6&4M at ~6.00min/M
Tue 21/9 - 10M; double; recovery runs x2 6M, 4M at ~6.00min/M
Wed 22/9 - 7M; VO2 max incl 5x1K at ~5.15min/M with pack with 2min recovery
Thu 23/9 - 8M recovery run at ~6.30min/M with pack
Fri 24/9 - 6M recovery run at ~6.30min/M with pack
Sat 25/9 - 4M recovery run at ~6.30min>m
Sun 26/9 - 14M incl half marathon race at 5.27min/M (71.30)
TOTAL - 59M and 1hr exercises
A defeat of sorts, but a great race

14M - incl Run to the Beat half marathon in 71.30 (5.27min/M; 4th position; PB)
A defeat, yes, but it felt like a victory - I was the first non-Kenyan! I ran without my watch and just tried my plan of sticking with the first bunch of non-Kenyans. It probably meant I was faster than if I'd been clock watching, but I also think I could have pushed on a bit more in the second half had I had to chase someone hard. Ron was rightly a bit disappointed that I didn't collapse over the line. I do have the tendency to save a bit if I'm racing for position. I was a little cautious pace-wise after I got a mini-break on my pack at half distance, partly because of this tendency and partly because my belly was aching (Ron suggests I switch from breakfast on race morning to a shake and eat lower-bulk food in the couple of days before).
I think the Cardiff Half will be good for me if I get to race it in anger - it'll be full of people faster than me to really find my limit. Failing that (Cardiff is on the same weekend as a big cross-country race I'd like to run in) I'll find some good alternatives one or other side of Christmas. I still hope to crack 70mins this year. I feel I have it in me already. I also feel I've got a good deal of sharpness to gain even in the short term. Some cross-country racing should help that. Can't wait.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Four to keep my legs happy
4M - recovery run at ~6.15min/M
Just a very short one along the river to Hungerford Bridge and back. Beautiful, sunny, fresh morning. Wore my sunglasses, baseball hat and gloves.
I don't know what shape I'm in to be honest after August, but I've decided to give the race tomorrow a real go. I'm going to run without paying much attention to my watch and just try to stick with the first non-Kenyan bunch (if I can). It might result in me blowing up. But I've not really ever risked it all like that before, and I think it might be good for me to find out what it feels like! And if I don't, I'll probably go faster than I would have guessed.
Just a very short one along the river to Hungerford Bridge and back. Beautiful, sunny, fresh morning. Wore my sunglasses, baseball hat and gloves.
I don't know what shape I'm in to be honest after August, but I've decided to give the race tomorrow a real go. I'm going to run without paying much attention to my watch and just try to stick with the first non-Kenyan bunch (if I can). It might result in me blowing up. But I've not really ever risked it all like that before, and I think it might be good for me to find out what it feels like! And if I don't, I'll probably go faster than I would have guessed.
Friday, 24 September 2010
6M - recovery run at ~6.30min/M with pack
Just a really gentle one along the river to work. No dramas. Tapering nicely. Just need to psyche myself up for the race now.
Just a really gentle one along the river to work. No dramas. Tapering nicely. Just need to psyche myself up for the race now.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
8 gentle miles
8M - recovery run at ~6.30min/M with pack
Just a gentle one along the river with my pack this evening. My legs feel much springier today. Should be feeling good by the time my taper has fully taken hold on Sunday morning.
Just a gentle one along the river with my pack this evening. My legs feel much springier today. Should be feeling good by the time my taper has fully taken hold on Sunday morning.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
A bit of a sharpener
7M - 1K rep session with pack (5x1K reps at ~5.15min/M with 2 min recoveries)
This is my last sharp session before Sunday's race. I felt pretty good and managed to get up to 5.15ish for the reps. Hopefully my taper will give me more. 5.20 half marathon is a respectable ~70mins. Which would be nice.
This is my last sharp session before Sunday's race. I felt pretty good and managed to get up to 5.15ish for the reps. Hopefully my taper will give me more. 5.20 half marathon is a respectable ~70mins. Which would be nice.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Another couple of recovery runs
10M - double; recovery runs x2
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
4M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Same again today. To and from work. No great dramas. Felt pretty heavy legged.
6M am recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
4M pm recovery run at ~6.15min/M with pack
Same again today. To and from work. No great dramas. Felt pretty heavy legged.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Recovery runs
10M - double; recovery runs x2 and 1hr exercises
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M
4M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M
1hr exercises
Just a couple of gentle ones without my pack along the river today. Had to get up pretty early for the first one (had clinic out of town). Need an early night I think. I'm told sleep is important, but bad at making myself get enough.
I was a bit tired on the morning run, but by the time I'd warmed up on my evening one I felt back to full springiness!
I also squeezed in 1 hour of exercises in front of Newsnight.
No niggles.
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M
4M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M
1hr exercises
Just a couple of gentle ones without my pack along the river today. Had to get up pretty early for the first one (had clinic out of town). Need an early night I think. I'm told sleep is important, but bad at making myself get enough.
I was a bit tired on the morning run, but by the time I'd warmed up on my evening one I felt back to full springiness!
I also squeezed in 1 hour of exercises in front of Newsnight.
No niggles.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Summary of week ending 19/09/10

Mon 13/9 - 9M fast and slow 5.30-6.20min/M
Tue 14/9 - 12M double; 6M recovery; 6M speed incl 8x600m
Wed 15/9 - 8M recovery and 1hr exercises
Thu 16/9 - 19M double; 6M recovery; 13M mixed incl speed 12x200m
Fri 17/9 - 10M double; 6&4M recovery runs and 1hr exercises
Sat 18/9 - 10M double; 4M recovery; 6M incl 2.5M relay race
Sun 19/9 - 8M incl 3M tempo
TOTAL - 76M and 2hrs exercises
A tempo day... but not v long
8M - incl 3M tempo run at 5.35min/M
I didn't have total spring in my step this morning after yesterday's race, so I delayed my run 'til late afternoon... which was after a v delicious but quite filling lunch. Not the best set up and I felt a bit groggy on this run. Only managed 3M of tempo before my stomach demanded a halt.
I'll need to find a good pattern for my longer runs if I'm going to be racing regularly on a Sunday. Perhaps I should shift them to Monday... Today wasn't v taxing, mainly because yesterday's race was only 2.5M. It'll be more of an issue when I'm running longer cross-country races and wanting to follow it with a long run.
I didn't have total spring in my step this morning after yesterday's race, so I delayed my run 'til late afternoon... which was after a v delicious but quite filling lunch. Not the best set up and I felt a bit groggy on this run. Only managed 3M of tempo before my stomach demanded a halt.
I'll need to find a good pattern for my longer runs if I'm going to be racing regularly on a Sunday. Perhaps I should shift them to Monday... Today wasn't v taxing, mainly because yesterday's race was only 2.5M. It'll be more of an issue when I'm running longer cross-country races and wanting to follow it with a long run.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
A short race... and a victory!

10M - double; recovery run & 2.5M race
4M am recovery run at ~6.30min/M
6M pm incl 2.5M St Albans 6 stage x-country relay in 14min10s
My first cross-country race in over 16 years! I felt pretty tired this morning after that last couple of days' heavy exercise. Just a gentle four miles up to Hungerford Bridge and back. My legs were pretty heavy by the time I got to St Albans, but were probably fine really.
I got the warmest of welcomes from the rest of the Highgate Harriers team who were there. Somewhat unwisely, they gambled on putting me in the A team (it was a 6 leg relay, with each runner running a 2.5M leg). I was the slowest of our team (and slower than the first leg runner in our B team) but my time was no disgrace in my eyes over such a short distance. We won by quite a long way and I ran my leg all alone (apart from lapped athletes). A bit surreal.
A hillyish course, but hard under foot and so short that I was glad I warmed up hard. I need more practice on pacing runs like this. I was worried ahead of time that I wouldn't go out hard enough. But when it came to it, I was probably a bit quick right at the beginning. My arms were heavy with lactate from 2 minutes in.
The club is impressively strong and even more impressively friendly/vocally supportive. I'm very pleased I chose them. We went for a communal warm down jog afterwards.
Friday, 17 September 2010
10 miles and some exercises
10M - double; recovery run x2 & 1hr exercises
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
4M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M
1hr exercises
Some gentle running today and a bit of physical jerks in front of Jools Holland. Felt a bit tired after yesterday's 19 miles, but nothing dramatic and should be fine tomorrow... when I'm hoping to run in a short (2.5 mile) cross-country relay race in St Albans.
Very slightly tight right hamstring, right at the bottom (or perhaps it's just an achy tendon). Only noticeable when I climb the stairs, and not there when running, so nothing to worry about. My cold has gone.
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
4M pm recovery run at ~6.00min/M
1hr exercises
Some gentle running today and a bit of physical jerks in front of Jools Holland. Felt a bit tired after yesterday's 19 miles, but nothing dramatic and should be fine tomorrow... when I'm hoping to run in a short (2.5 mile) cross-country relay race in St Albans.
Very slightly tight right hamstring, right at the bottom (or perhaps it's just an achy tendon). Only noticeable when I climb the stairs, and not there when running, so nothing to worry about. My cold has gone.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Some 200m reps amongst other miles
19M double; recovery run & speed
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
13M pm incl 12x200m (28-31s; 200m jog ~80s) & 10 easy miles with pack
I ran in to work gently this morning and then christened my spikes at the track.
I also tried running to and from the track to see how it fitted with my routine. It turns out it's ~3.75miles from work and 6.75miles from home. Which adds quite a lot of distance to my day (no bad thing probably, so long as I take the pre-track miles gently). I also saves travelling time - my tube journey is usually 45mins door to door from work and 1hr door to door back home. I think this will be my regular routine.
The track session felt good. I held back a little at the beginning - probably sensible with the shorter recoveries that we do a the club compared to my solo sessions. But i sped up towards the end. My penultimate rep was my fastest, followed by my last one. I'll aim for all 30s or under next time perhaps.
The spikes felt good. As you can see in the picture, they are Brooks like all my other shoes. Brand loyalty maybe, but they did feel the most comfy in the shop. They're called Mach 12 cross-country spikes (they have a bit more tread than track spikes). They're feather light. And have 'go baby go' written very small on the sole.
I might get to race in them on Saturday (a spot might have become vacant for the St Albans cross-country relays). We'll see. 2.5 miles. Hilly if it's the same course I remember running as a kid.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
A gentle 8... and some exercises
8M - recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
1hr exercises (including arms).
Just a gentle one in to work this morning. My pack was heavyish and I had a little twinge in my back towards the end. Shouldn't be a problem. I'm also brewing a touch of a sore throat. Not enough to interrupt training, but enough to make me worry that it might turn into something that would.
I also squeezed in a bit of late night core stability exercise. I'm finding these much easier after a few weeks of regular inclusion in my programme.
Bought some cross-country spikes in readiness for the upcoming cross-country season. I'll use them for track training days as well.
1hr exercises (including arms).
Just a gentle one in to work this morning. My pack was heavyish and I had a little twinge in my back towards the end. Shouldn't be a problem. I'm also brewing a touch of a sore throat. Not enough to interrupt training, but enough to make me worry that it might turn into something that would.
I also squeezed in a bit of late night core stability exercise. I'm finding these much easier after a few weeks of regular inclusion in my programme.
Bought some cross-country spikes in readiness for the upcoming cross-country season. I'll use them for track training days as well.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Recovery and speed (in the rain)
12M - double; recovery & speed session
6M am recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
6M pm speed session incl 8x600m (1m48s-1m55s) with 200m (70s) jog recovery
I've had a briskish last couple of days, perhaps not the best preparation for a speed session, but hopefully that didn't take too much of the edge off the benefit I'll get from it. The rule is supposed to be 2 hard days in a row max. I usually try to take it easy before a speed session. Yesterday's 'fast and slow' session was not a truly hard one, but did leave me aware I had run by this morning.
That didn't impact on my recovery run, but I probably felt a bit less springy this evening at the track. Still, other than having to take a loo break in the middle, it felt like a good session where I could pour everything in. I began to tire after 3 reps, but that may just have been my need for a loo break, as I was faster for the last 4. The rain was pretty heavy, which made things entertaining. I need to get used to checking the forecast.
No niggles. Lightish day tomorrow (I want this week to be quite hard and then take it slightly easier next week in readiness for my race on 26th).
6M am recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
6M pm speed session incl 8x600m (1m48s-1m55s) with 200m (70s) jog recovery
I've had a briskish last couple of days, perhaps not the best preparation for a speed session, but hopefully that didn't take too much of the edge off the benefit I'll get from it. The rule is supposed to be 2 hard days in a row max. I usually try to take it easy before a speed session. Yesterday's 'fast and slow' session was not a truly hard one, but did leave me aware I had run by this morning.
That didn't impact on my recovery run, but I probably felt a bit less springy this evening at the track. Still, other than having to take a loo break in the middle, it felt like a good session where I could pour everything in. I began to tire after 3 reps, but that may just have been my need for a loo break, as I was faster for the last 4. The rain was pretty heavy, which made things entertaining. I need to get used to checking the forecast.
No niggles. Lightish day tomorrow (I want this week to be quite hard and then take it slightly easier next week in readiness for my race on 26th).
Monday, 13 September 2010
9M fast and slow
9M - fast & slow 5.30-6.20min/M with pack
I was too tired to fit un one of these sessions last week. But I felt good today despite yesterday's long one. My cruising speed felt good. Despite my pack, I could relatively comfortably sustain 5.30 pace in my fast miles. I feel on the up.
No niggles.
I was too tired to fit un one of these sessions last week. But I felt good today despite yesterday's long one. My cruising speed felt good. Despite my pack, I could relatively comfortably sustain 5.30 pace in my fast miles. I feel on the up.
No niggles.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Summary of week ending 12/09/10

Mon 6/9 - 6M recovery run at ~6.00min/M & 1hr exercises
Tue 7/9 - 14M; double; 6M recovery & 8M speed incl 6x100, 6x200, 6x400, 3x1M
Wed 8/9 - 8M recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Thu 9/9 - 14M; double; 6M recovery & 8M speed incl 12x200
Fri 10/9 - 10M; double; 6M and 4M recovery at ~6.00min/M
Sat 11/9 - 1hr exercises
Sun 12/9 - 15M long run at 5.48min/M
TOTAL - 67M and 2hr exercises
15 good ones
15M - long run at 5.48min/M
Three or so laps of Port Meadow today for my long run. I was intending to start slow and build, but got sucked in to starting fastish and gradually building. I ran the first 5 at ~5.55, the second at ~5.50 and the third at ~5.40. The overall pace was bang on my marathon pace from April and felt pretty comfortable.
I realise now how comfortable 6min miles feel thanks, I think, to my speed work over the summer. I'm excited about getting going with some half marathon, 10 mile and cross-country racing from later this month.
No niggles.
Three or so laps of Port Meadow today for my long run. I was intending to start slow and build, but got sucked in to starting fastish and gradually building. I ran the first 5 at ~5.55, the second at ~5.50 and the third at ~5.40. The overall pace was bang on my marathon pace from April and felt pretty comfortable.
I realise now how comfortable 6min miles feel thanks, I think, to my speed work over the summer. I'm excited about getting going with some half marathon, 10 mile and cross-country racing from later this month.
No niggles.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Just some exercises
1hr exercises
A busy day, so I only managed to squeeze in an hour of my exercises today. I'm trying to do these twice a week on light days. I missed out the arm bits (bicep curls and straight arm raises) today - I'm going to do them just once a week to make sure I don't waste too much energy on my arms.
A busy day, so I only managed to squeeze in an hour of my exercises today. I'm trying to do these twice a week on light days. I missed out the arm bits (bicep curls and straight arm raises) today - I'm going to do them just once a week to make sure I don't waste too much energy on my arms.
Friday, 10 September 2010
10 miles of recovery
10M - double recovery run
6M am at ~6.00min/M
4M pm at ~6.00min/M
No real calf stiffness this morning, but pretty tired after yesterday's sprints. I just put in a couple of gentle ones today. Something a bit faster planned for Saturday if I get time. Still no complaint from my knee (despite back-to-back double days).
6M am at ~6.00min/M
4M pm at ~6.00min/M
No real calf stiffness this morning, but pretty tired after yesterday's sprints. I just put in a couple of gentle ones today. Something a bit faster planned for Saturday if I get time. Still no complaint from my knee (despite back-to-back double days).
Thursday, 9 September 2010
A good track session
14M - double; recovery run & speed session
6M am recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
8M pm speed incl 12x200m with jog recovery
A good day. Just a gentle one in the morning. Calves back to normal, but didn't push myself too hard.
The evening track session with Highgate Harriers was good. The recoveries were brisker/shorter than last week (~70s) and I managed the sprints in about the same splits 28-30s. I was tired by number 7, bit managed to hang on with some style-less driving for the line.
I feel like my sprint speed has picked up well.
6M am recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
8M pm speed incl 12x200m with jog recovery
A good day. Just a gentle one in the morning. Calves back to normal, but didn't push myself too hard.
The evening track session with Highgate Harriers was good. The recoveries were brisker/shorter than last week (~70s) and I managed the sprints in about the same splits 28-30s. I was tired by number 7, bit managed to hang on with some style-less driving for the line.
I feel like my sprint speed has picked up well.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Just 8
8M - recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
Just 8 miles along the river to work this morning. I felt pretty tired after last night's session and felt a little tight in my hamstrings towards the end of the day. No great dramas though. No proper niggles. Calves seem fine. Sprints with Highgate Harriers tomorrow.
Just 8 miles along the river to work this morning. I felt pretty tired after last night's session and felt a little tight in my hamstrings towards the end of the day. No great dramas though. No proper niggles. Calves seem fine. Sprints with Highgate Harriers tomorrow.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
A really good day - with speed
14M - double; recovery and speed
6M am recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
8M pm speed session including 6x100m, 6x200m, 6x400m (walk recovery) & 3x1M
I have been running without accurately timing myself for a while now. Certainly since I got back form India - I've been feeling a bit slow and didn't want to dishearten myself after a lighter few weeks. But in India too, I was timing myself but accepting much slower times because of the altitude.
Anyway, today I timed myself for my hardest speed / mile rep session. It's the first time I've done this one at sea level, so I don't have times for comparison, but I was pleased with my times, and particularly pleased that I stuck to Ron's target times for the last couple of mile reps.
The distances of the 100m reps were probably a bit inaccurate, but I felt pretty sharp. My sprint speed has not deserted me. That was followed by 1M at 6.00min/M (which felt very easy and boingy). My 6 200s were done in 27-28s and I found the subsequent 1M at 5min30s pace pretty comfortable. I managed the 400s in 66-67s - with my legs really burning. I was nervous about the last mile, but managed it at 5min15s pace without keeling over (though I did have to push it).
My gentle run in the morning was good too. Listened to the xx in preparation for their Mercury victory.
Calves better. No niggles. I feel good.
6M am recovery run with pack at ~6.00min/M
8M pm speed session including 6x100m, 6x200m, 6x400m (walk recovery) & 3x1M
I have been running without accurately timing myself for a while now. Certainly since I got back form India - I've been feeling a bit slow and didn't want to dishearten myself after a lighter few weeks. But in India too, I was timing myself but accepting much slower times because of the altitude.
Anyway, today I timed myself for my hardest speed / mile rep session. It's the first time I've done this one at sea level, so I don't have times for comparison, but I was pleased with my times, and particularly pleased that I stuck to Ron's target times for the last couple of mile reps.
The distances of the 100m reps were probably a bit inaccurate, but I felt pretty sharp. My sprint speed has not deserted me. That was followed by 1M at 6.00min/M (which felt very easy and boingy). My 6 200s were done in 27-28s and I found the subsequent 1M at 5min30s pace pretty comfortable. I managed the 400s in 66-67s - with my legs really burning. I was nervous about the last mile, but managed it at 5min15s pace without keeling over (though I did have to push it).
My gentle run in the morning was good too. Listened to the xx in preparation for their Mercury victory.
Calves better. No niggles. I feel good.
Monday, 6 September 2010
6 and some exercises
6M recovery run am at ~6.00min/M
1hr exercises pm
Just a gentle 6 miler song the river to work this morning, then the usual exercises in the evening. No great tiredness after yesterday's long one. Calves still a little tight.
1hr exercises pm
Just a gentle 6 miler song the river to work this morning, then the usual exercises in the evening. No great tiredness after yesterday's long one. Calves still a little tight.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Summary of week ending 05/09/10
Mon 23/8 - Rest
Tues 24/8 - 6M recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Weds 25/8 - 10M general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
Thurs 26/8 - 10M double; 6M recovery run; 4M speed pm incl 13x200m
Fri 27/8 - 8M recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
Sat 28/8 - 7M recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Sun 29/8 - 20M long run at ~6.15min/M
Tues 24/8 - 6M recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Weds 25/8 - 10M general aerobic at ~6.00min/M with pack
Thurs 26/8 - 10M double; 6M recovery run; 4M speed pm incl 13x200m
Fri 27/8 - 8M recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
Sat 28/8 - 7M recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Sun 29/8 - 20M long run at ~6.15min/M
A good long one
20M - long run at ~6.15min/M
I was a bit nervy about this one. I felt like I hadn't had enough miles in my legs these last few weeks and I might flake towards the end. I did a couple of loops of the 10 mile Brockwell Park-Dulwich loop. That allowed me to drop a lucozade off hidden in a tree in Brockwell to refuel as I went. I felt pretty good the whole way (not that surprising, especially as I took it relatively gentle).
My calves are improving from Thursday, though not quite back to normal. I've had zero reaction from my knee this week. I'm pretty confident that it won't reappear in a hurry now - I've had a busyish few days.
I was a bit nervy about this one. I felt like I hadn't had enough miles in my legs these last few weeks and I might flake towards the end. I did a couple of loops of the 10 mile Brockwell Park-Dulwich loop. That allowed me to drop a lucozade off hidden in a tree in Brockwell to refuel as I went. I felt pretty good the whole way (not that surprising, especially as I took it relatively gentle).
My calves are improving from Thursday, though not quite back to normal. I've had zero reaction from my knee this week. I'm pretty confident that it won't reappear in a hurry now - I've had a busyish few days.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
7 gentle ones
7M - recovery run at ~6.00min/M
Just a gentle one around Brockwell Park (with hills). Felt pretty good. Ready for a 20 tomorrow. Calves still a bit tight. James Nesbitt running in the opposite direction (looking pretty good).
Just a gentle one around Brockwell Park (with hills). Felt pretty good. Ready for a 20 tomorrow. Calves still a bit tight. James Nesbitt running in the opposite direction (looking pretty good).
Friday, 3 September 2010
Just 8
8M - recovery run at ~6.00min/M with pack
Just 8 along the river from work to Pimlico (plus a bit). Calves a little achy after yesterday's speed session, but I feel pretty good and certainly much better than earlier in the week.
Just 8 along the river from work to Pimlico (plus a bit). Calves a little achy after yesterday's speed session, but I feel pretty good and certainly much better than earlier in the week.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Some speed back in my legs
10M - double; recovery and speed
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M
4M pm speed session incl 13x200m at 28-30s with jog recovery
After today I feel more confident that I've not lost too much basic pace. I tootled out a nice relaxing run along the river to work first thing. No dramas. Knee still good.
This evening I went to the Highgate Harriers track session. A good 200m rep session. I have felt pretty washed out since my return, but was surprised by the power in my legs as soon as I got going. I kept my splits pretty even. Reps 9 to 13 really hurt.
6M am recovery run at ~6.00min/M
4M pm speed session incl 13x200m at 28-30s with jog recovery
After today I feel more confident that I've not lost too much basic pace. I tootled out a nice relaxing run along the river to work first thing. No dramas. Knee still good.
This evening I went to the Highgate Harriers track session. A good 200m rep session. I have felt pretty washed out since my return, but was surprised by the power in my legs as soon as I got going. I kept my splits pretty even. Reps 9 to 13 really hurt.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
10 miles steady
10M - general aerobic at ~6.15min/M with pack
Just a jaunt along the river from work and around Battersea Park to get some miles back in my legs. Felt pretty good.
I weighed in at 60kg (9st7lb) this morning (2kg down) and 8% fat. Pretty sure that means I've not lost much muscle, which is a relief.
Speed session with Highgate Harriers tomorrow.
Just a jaunt along the river from work and around Battersea Park to get some miles back in my legs. Felt pretty good.
I weighed in at 60kg (9st7lb) this morning (2kg down) and 8% fat. Pretty sure that means I've not lost much muscle, which is a relief.
Speed session with Highgate Harriers tomorrow.
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